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Another car accident this time it was my son and daughter inlaw and granddaughter
the guy ran red light hit their driver side
I just got back from emergency all are ok
The thing is the baby is just turning 2 in May she is trying to tell me about what happen
car she keeps saying over and over car and now when we put her in her car seat she litteraly screams

she is terrified she associates the car seat now with a big crash
I had to stop and buy her a soother it was only way she would stop screaming

thier van was written off. I don't know if this will stay in her subconscious or not. but she never screamed before

i drove them home and i stayed with my grandaughter until she settled down some

i hope this does not stay wtih her this fear.
Abigail was in a car accident when she was about 3. It took awhile, but she did get over the fear. She was very, very fearful for a month or so and then gradually she started feeling better.

I am glad the little one is ok, but sorry you're having to deal with this. Sorry about the accident.
Oh that is good hun she got over fear It is so heart wrenching to hear them so upset I will let her mom know eventually it will be better
The soother seem to help her some i hope she keeps her baby inside to day not go riding give her a break let her play outside some i will see if they will let me babysit her i will take her for a long walk in her carriage she would like that thanks for caring hun
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