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Yesterday I went to see a cardiologist for my Pounding, racing, chest pain, and dizziness. He conducted and echocardiogram, an ultrasound, and Im hooked up to a 48 hour holster continues heart monitor. In the first two test they had found nothing abnormal, but said that Im might be having a mitral valve prolapse syndrom. And they also drew my blood to check out my thiroid, we will see what the results are in a few days or so


I'm so sorry TLC,
I hope that whatever the results bring, that it can be corrected fully.
Holding onto thoughts of your complete recovery :hug:
Take good care,
I hope all turns out well for you. Ive had thyroid problems recently and they can be resolved with medication. take care:hug:



My heart (no pun) goes out to you TLC..
It's great to hear that you at least went to the cardio doctor vs. brooding about it like :think: :tapfingers:
Not sure about your tests, but some cardio ones can certainly take time to get results back from. Have you ever had the stress test on a treadmill?
It's a dandy.
Just imagine a gerbil on a treadmill with a cattle prod nearby. Just kidding :)



I'm really glad TLC :)
It was entirely reasonable that you would be be worried. I would be too! It's good to know that it's all clear :hug:

amastie added 1 Minutes and 36 Seconds later...

I've had thyroid problems recently and they can be resolved with medication. take care:hug:
Have yours been sorted out SR?
Hope so :hug:
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