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Daniel E.
From the Psychology Today blog post Am I too busy to live my own life?:

Many years ago, Stephen Covey, in his Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, said the same thing with his 7th habit - "Sharpen the Saw." It's a similar story to capture the madness of our time. The wood cutter frantically and ineffectively working with a dull saw and getting very little done, knows the saw needs sharpening, but believes he's much too busy to take the time to sharpen the saw. Madness, certainly, but madness each of us knows all too well.

So, what choice will we make today? Is it time to acknowledge the illusion? Will we consent to the catch-22 madness or stop surrendering our own agency?

Am I too busy to live my own life? My irrational beliefs might fuel further needless delay.
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