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well here i am again,have felt better for a week so havent been on here!

Upped to 15mg for obsessive thoughts and anxiety three weeks ago. Increase in symptoms for two weeks then all of a sudden felt alot better on two week mark, not high but calm and as though everything would be alright! A week along the line and a bad day today, really unfocused, anxious and scared all the time that i am going to lose control or lash out its like a panic attack under the surface and mental anxiety not physical.

I do not tolerate ssris well when i up or start them but needs must in the long run.

Has anyone else experienced this at this point as i need to know that it will get better again???

Daniel E.
as i need to know that it will get better again???
Of course, it will get better, at least since this is just one medication, and medication is just one treatment option.

anxious and scared all the time that i am going to lose control or lash out its like a panic attack under the surface and mental anxiety not physical.
Exercising more may help with anxiety, as could relaxation techniques and self-help CBT, like the David Burns' books or MoodGym as well as the 4 steps for OCD.
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