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Allow me to apologize right off the bat ... I have not read any "stickies" outlining protocol for these forums, as one of my most prominent symptoms of depression is an overwhelming anxiety that shortens my attention span to about 5 seconds ... hhhmmm .. maybe I actually have some type of anxiety disorder ... but I digress ...

In desperation, brought on by a rapidly deepening depression/anxiety state, and not one red cent to my name with which to purchase my SSRI of choice (Fluoxetine), I asked my doctor for any SSRI samples she might have on hand. Her office called to let me know that they had some, and I quickly dispatched an anti-depressant posse to retrieve the loot.
My relief turned to a mixture of disappointment and swiftly downward spiraling anxiety, as I read the name on the four generous boxes of SSRI ... Cipralex. Although this newly reconstructed medication is supposed to work wonders for anxiety, when I tried it for several weeks last fall, I was left nearly crippled by joint pain ... no exaggeration ... I could barely stand or walk or lift a coffee cup.

Not exactly certain what I'm looking for here ... possibly ... hopefully ... to hear from someone who has taken this medication, experienced the joint pain side effects, followed by the nice, gradual disappearance of this nasty effect. Problem is ... I don't believe that I can deal with the pain again ... but it's the only SSRI available to me right now ... talk about that excruciatingly awful position between a rock and a hard place :(


Re: Cipralex joint pain

hey Daniel ... bank account is in the red, and I'll have to borrow money to get to work on Monday ... but I do have a small handful of change (yes - literally) that might add up to four bucks ... unfortunately, I'm in Canada, and there are no $4 prescription meds here.

One question (off topic) ... the last I heard, people in the states were up in arms over the super-high cost of prescription meds ... when did that all change??

Daniel E.
Re: Cipralex joint pain

One question (off topic) ... the last I heard, people in the states were up in arms over the super-high cost of prescription meds ... when did that all change??

I don't know. My guess is that once the Medicare changes were in place beginning two years ago(?) for providing signicant drug coverage to the elderly, things started to simmer down. Also, the drug companies had a lot of touchy-feely ads on TV about their assistance programs.


Re: Cipralex joint pain

Also, the drug companies had a lot of touchy-feely ads on TV about their assistance programs.

Great ... I don't know whether to cry or puke ... I guess the important part is that people who couldn't afford vital prescription medication now have access to it.


Account Closed
Re: Cipralex joint pain

Hi Toll,

What province are you in Canada? I am in BC and needed to get on social assistance so that some of the medication was covered. I am just wondering where you are so someone, if not myself may be able to find some resources to get the medication covered. Its a thought. :)


Re: Cipralex joint pain

Hey Lady

I'm in Ontario (don't hate me for that :dimples: )
I can't go through Social Assistance, as I just started a job on the 11th.
My first paycheck is March 6th, and benefits (100% coverage) starts in 10 weeks.
I am waiting for E.I. to come through with benefits owed for unemployment between mid-Jan and mid-Feb, but they are dragging their feet as much as possible ... the paranoid/conspiracy theory part of my brain tells me they do this, hoping you'll give up and go away. The downright unreasonably psychotic part of my brain tells me that they're actually hoping you'll do away with yourself, so they can cross you off the list.

All of this, of course, detracts from the original question: has anyone every experienced the join/muscle pain side effect from this medication, then had this side effect subside after a number of weeks?
Re: Cipralex joint pain

i've never taken cipralex so i'm of no help with you there. maybe you could call your doctor and ask about this problem and if she's had patients that may have had similar issues? also maybe she could indicate whether taking an over the counter pain medicine would be ok to counteract any pain.

the other thought i just had was your local pharmacist. they are specialized in medication and know more about the drugs and interactions and side effects. you could ask them your question as well.


Account Closed
Re: Cipralex joint pain

I'm in Ontario (don't hate me for that )

I don't hate you for it - born and raised in Ontario myself. :)

but they are dragging their feet as much as possible ... the paranoid/conspiracy theory part of my brain tells me they do this, hoping you'll give up and go away.

There is alot of red tape and part of what you are thinking might be right. Some people do get tired of the red tape and do give up. I am wondering would a letter from your doctor help, saying you really need this medication?

has anyone every experienced the join/muscle pain side effect from this medication, then had this side effect subside after a number of weeks?

Sorry, can't help you there as I have never taken this particular medication.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Re: Cipralex joint pain

Cipralex - Lexapro - escitalopram: Adverse effects

Frequent: allergy, pain in limb, fever, hot flushes, chest pain.
Infrequent: edema of extremities, chills, tightness of chest, leg pain, asthenia, syncope, malaise, anaphylaxis, fall.

Musculoskeletal System Disorders
Frequent: arthralgia, myalgia.
Infrequent: jaw stiffness, muscle cramp, muscle stiffness, arthritis, muscle weakness, back discomfort, arthropathy, jaw pain, joint stiffness.


Re: Cipralex joint pain

Hi Toll

I am on Celexa,cipralex's cousin and did have some joint pain at when I first started to take it,more like an ache all over,felt like I was getting the flu

The only aches I feel now is from age :)


Re: Cipralex joint pain

Hi David ... and thank you for adding a list of side effects to the discussion.
These are important to know, and finding this information is the first thing I
do before taking any medication.

The information I'm actually seeking, is whether or not a couple of those side
effects - limb/join pain, specifically - dissipate with time ... or do they continue
to cripple the patient with pain throughout the entire time they are taken.
The "flu-like" pain doesn't really describe what I experienced - rather, this was
what I would definitely describe as "debilitating" ... flu-like would be an annyoing
joint and/or muscle achiness, to my knowledge. Unless the drug company is
trying to play it down ... but then other sources use the same wording.

I can take pain medication to counter the pain ... but that also costs money ;)

In addition, I did take maximum dosages of a few different pain killers (all at the
same time) day in, day out while taking Cipralex, to try to alleviate the pain ... it
helped, I'm sure ... but there was still so much pain that I could barely stand or
walk, and arm pain so severe that I had to use two hands to lift anything heavier
than a pen.

The joint pain that kicked up immediately when I started taking this medication
has still not gone away completely, now three months after stopping. I've had
blood work done within the last month, which checked my sed. rate (a simple
test to determine arthritic inflammation and to monitor treatment, etc), so we're
certain the sudden onset of this pain was not caused by a disease process
like arthritis


Re: Cipralex joint pain

I took Cipralex for approximately 2 months.

I would like to thank all who responded to my inquiry. At this point,
I would conclude that only a small number of the possible known
side effects of this medication dissipate with time ... something to
keep in mind when attempting to decide whether or not to continue
or switch to something else, I think.

I've joined forces with an acquaintance who takes fluoxetine and
who has full drug coverage. She takes two 20mg capsules per day.
She has requested an increase to three per day, and has given me
the one capsule increase that she doesn't, in reality, need.

<prepare for all the backlash re. not sharing meds ... unmonitored
prescription drug use ... etc ... etc ... etc ... >

Despite the legal and ethical implications, this is what is called
"survival" ... and because my acquaintance and I are ready, willing
and able to commit this despicable crime, and break all the rules about
sharing prescription meds, I won't commit suicide, while waiting for
government assistance or for my first paycheck.

Way to go government assistance.
Last edited:

Daniel E.
Re: Cipralex joint pain

Maybe you can return the samples and exchange them for something else? Maybe your doctor will have some other samples later in the week?


Re: Cipralex joint pain

I see this thread has not had any new additions for some time, but since it is a good fit with my concerns, I thought I'd add to it. I've been chronically depressed for years and have tried many anti-depressants. I started Cipralex a little over 3 months ago and found the theraputic benefits to be apparent quite quickly. Unfortunately I found the onset of joint pain to be equally fast. I am 54 years old, physically fit and active (I live on a horse farm and am an avid kayaker). Within two weeks I felt old - my knees were painful and swollen and I was able to hobble about only with the maximum daily dose of ibuprofen. My physician switched my meds two weeks ago and I am still suffering from the knee problems. Assuming this episode was indeed a side effect of the Ciprolex, how long should I expect to have the joint pain - in other words, how long do side effects persist once the medicationis stopped?


Re: Cipralex joint pain

Wow....I have been on Cipralex for a year now and I can't say that I've had any of the symptoms described. It actually has worked wonders for me and the only thing to watch is that I can't miss any since the effects become quickly evident.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Re: Cipralex joint pain

It is a reported side effect, at least anectdotally, but uncommon (1 to 3% or less). I think neck or shoulder pain is the most common.
Re: Cipralex joint pain

I've been on Cipralex 10mg for almost 2 years. I do feel tired and have body aches, but I feel it is a small price to pay for the relief of my depression and anxiety. I did also notice that I began to get recurrent canker sores under my tough about 2 weeks after beginning treatment. They heal and then return and it has not stopped. I did also begin Ramipril 5mg and Lipator at the same time. I am now taking Crestor. Has Cipralex ever show side effects of mouth sores?
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