More threads by CarlaMarie


I'd like to know what you come up with for a solution.
I am so glad you asked. I am a work in progress. I am better than I have been I can say that. I can tell you more about what not to do. I have spent so much time and energy failing my unreasonable expectations. I expect perfection from myself and I won't give myself a break. I don't expect it from anyone else. I'm a mean b#$*h. You should hear what I say to myself. It has been incredible and totaly weird. The progress I have made has been the direct result of the kindness I give myself. When I am kinder and I lower my expectations it seems I get more results. Knock me over with a feather. I dig myself in a ditch sometimes and I can't do it but other times I am capable and it works. Go figure.

Ice storms in Cypress? So close to the gulf?
No Sir, Dallas Metroplex Home of the Super Bowl :cheerleader:

---------- Post added at 09:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:27 PM ----------

They crack me is already cancelled for tomorrow. We are probably not going to get the ice just rain the freeze line is more North into Oklahoma. Do you think they get a little nervous about snow and ice around here. Watch the sun will come out tomorrow and the kids will be playing outside.

---------- Post added February 1st, 2011 at 09:02 AM ---------- Previous post was January 31st, 2011 at 09:59 PM ----------

I was wrong. We got snow, sleet, ice. My husband it trying to get out of town for work one Airport is closed the other he keeps wishing for a flight.

I am back on task of getting through the cleaning. I have one more bedroom and one more bathroom. The room of the thirteen year old child. She like her mother also has ADHD. Her room is out of control at this very moment. It needs a momma clean. With her kind of clean we get ants, mold, mice, who knows maybe even monsters. She has also been "redecorating". My challenge is to get her butt out of bed to get in there.

I appreciate being able to go on a "rant" about cleaning. :)


.............the calm before the storm comes to mind. Toronto has 600 snow ploughs at the ready, and 200+ salt trucks. (Carla, if you didn't know, we use many 100's of tons of salt each year here placed on roads and sidewalk to help melt the ice and snow), (and of course as you might suspect, the salt melted snow and ice leeches into groundwater, creeks, rivers etc, and makes it's way to Lake Ontario and Lake Erie. Road Salt damaging Pickering’s streams, fisheries, Lake Ontario | Mark Holland

I also am prepared. My snowblower is at the ready.:vroom:


They called another school cancellation day tomorrow. Black ice I drove the big one over to sleep at a friends. It was fun to drive on. I forgot how much fun winter weather is to drive in. I am so glad she is not here as I clean her room. I have failed miserably as a parent with that child. I new it needed a Momma clean but I didn't know how bad it was. I am disgusted. She is a slob. I am raising a slob. If she were here I am not sure I would have the ability to contain my emotions. Since she is not here I have a plan. Consequences...yep. I have to think them through because what we are doing obviously isn't working. It is so freaking hard to follow through when there are two parents and she is so good at manipulation. That stinker. I'm on a rant!:hissyfit:


Is your daughter a 'slob', outside her room? Sometimes a room is the only place a child can claim any autonomy.


Well I guess she is a pretty good kid since she only has gotten "tickets" taken for being too talkative and using the bathroom too much. The school makes the kid call the parent. It is too funny (when I was her age I was getting suspended for smoking). She is an average/above student. Our only problems with her are her " disrespect" and unwillingness to help with chores and she is a slob. I suppose I can't have a perfect kid. I'm feeling a little compassion for the stinker. You may have a point, Yuray.

---------- Post added at 01:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:12 AM ----------

It was painful but I did it. As I was cleaning her room I remembered the battles she and I would get into over clothes when she was in preschool. She had a pair of red cowgirl boots and that was it. All she would wear. We don't battle abouttrophies and shoes any more I did learn from it. I forgot it is her job to do battle. Thank you for the reminder. I will still be evil queen mother but i know it is her job to be buck the system.

So now with two snow days under my belt and kids home. I had a really "bright" boredom buster idea that kept them busy for hours on end. I had picked up a bunch of $1wooden kid craft projects and other stuff. I'm one of those who will end up at the poor house saving money. So now we have a bunch of really cool stuff the kids created. And we are tired and the house is a mess again. I am driven by distraction.:crazy:

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
CarlaMarie said:
I remembered the battles she and I would get into over clothes when she was in preschool. She had a pair of red cowgirl boots and that was it. All she would wear.

That must have been quite chilly in the winter... :eek:


Ha,ha,ha we lived in Rhode Island, too. I still have them. Those were the the days when it was important she match. I had to buy her a new wardrobe. She refused to wear the white keds I bought her. I have come a long way since then. My youngest daughter will only wear keds they make her run fast. I just go with it.

My daugher and I just had a two hour shopping trip together. I forgot to mention that I was so discusted with the condition of her bathroom that I went on a throw away spree. I took her make up drawer and dumped it in the trash. When we were in the car we discussed it. She tried to blame me for not cleaning her room enough. I told her she is grown up enough to clean her own room, pick her stuff up, and use the trash barrel. She said well it gets full and you don't empty it. I told her she was capable. The stinker sharpens her eyeliner on her drawer. I said that is gross use a tissue. I talked to her about how I felt about cleaning her room. It is quite simple if she doesn't want me to throw her stuff away then she needs to take care of it.

So we shopped. I allowed her to replace a couple of pieces of make up. She was off doing her thing texting and shopping. I warned her I have one more thing to get and then I will be checking out. I did exactly what I said I would there was no sign of her. Then all of a sudden there she is with a belt. Now she is mad. I checked out without her and she wasn't done. Little does she know I put stuff back she threw in the cart without my permission. So she slammed the belt down on the ground in the middle of Target and stormed out. I saw my little baby just like when she was two. I went to the car put the stuff in drove to the front of the store. All the while she is telling me how bad she has it how we never take her shopping Dad never buys her anything. I sat there and told her she is not two she is thirteen. Go in the store pick up the belt and put it back where you found it. She did.

She is mad she has told me off twice. She made a point about the cleaning. She said it isn't going to be as "perfect" as I clean it. I have to accept that but there has to be some compromise in the middle somewhere. She has to move toward the middle. Right now she is too busy blaming me and being mad because I have taken away some stuff (that expensive straightening iron she snuck in the cart).

I was impressed with myself I was very calm during her entire tantrum. I know we have an entitled little stinker we are trying to change that.

---------- Post added February 3rd, 2011 at 09:55 AM ---------- Previous post was February 2nd, 2011 at 09:15 PM ----------

Day 3 of school cancellations, day 3 Momma home alone with 3 children, day 3 no adult interaction. If you saw my house today you would never know I HAD SPENT ALL THAT TIME CLEANING IT. I am loosing it.:crazy:


Day 4 tomorrow because of ice. It hasn't been above 25 degrees and we only have sand trucks I haven't seen any plows. So I guess we just wait till it melts. We are supposed to get maybe a dusting of snow tomorrow. You all would laugh at us down here.

I can not go out I end up cussing like a truck driver. I am a true Yankee. I was behind a grown man in a pick up truck. He was going 5 miles an hour and the road was sanded. The road is normally 55 miles an hour. I can't do it right now. I don't know where my compassion went.


lol We laugh because it sounds ridiculous to us but we do know that it is something your not use too. Plus you may not have much equipment and I'm assuming people don't put on winter tires just in case.

If it makes you feel any better I think a lot of people get the mouth of a trucker (so the saying goes) this time of year on the cruddy roads. Unfortunately I have this problem all year round. lol

Drive safe :)


They actually make special tires for snow?:rofl: We got I think 5 inches of snow. I will let all you all know how long it takes to melt. I really hope it all melts by Superbowl Sunday so my kids are back in school Monday. I need them in school so I can get my space.

I really feel frustrated with the entire situation. The weather, my husband, my kids, and I feel like I don't have any space. I want to scream. I feel like no one is doing their part. I feel powerless. I hate feeling powerless. My husband has been gone. Travelling. He was gone all last week and two out of my three kids were sick so they were home and then he was gone all this week and when he is here he isn't here he is on the f*&^king phone or the computer working. So I am burnt out. And he blows smoke up my ass and says he will show up and be present but he is not. This is not a good space for me to be in.


They actually make special tires for snow?:rofl: ....I need them in school so I can get my space.
They are ski's actually. Makes going in the ditch more fun because it turns into a ride rather than an accident. ;)

That's the cabin fever kicking in from all that snow. (needing your space now)

*Sorry CarlaMarie, I just realized...I wasn't making light of what you said. I just don't have a husband or kids lol so I have no idea what all of that is like and how frustrating and difficult it must be at times. Sooo, I went with joking. :eek:
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