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Clinical Workshop on Tourette Syndrome and OCD, Jan 10. 2013

March 1, 2013 to Rutgers University

The New Jersey Center for Tourette Syndrome & Associated Disorders (NJCTS) will present "Beyond The Basics: Habit Reversal Training & Exposure and Response Prevention Therapy for Tourette Syndrome & Obsessive Compulsive Disorder."

New Brunswick, NJ, January 10, 2013 --( Join the New Jersey Center for Tourette Syndrome & Associated Disorders (NJCTS) for "Beyond The Basics: Habit Reversal Training & Exposure and Response Prevention Therapy for Tourette Syndrome & Obsessive Compulsive Disorder" -- an all-day intensive clinical workshop geared toward evaluation, implementation and clinical practice -- on Friday, March 1, at Rutgers University's Cook Campus Center Multipurpose Room.

Registration is now open for the event, which will feature presentations by Lori Rockmore, Psy.D, Clinical Director of the Tourette Syndrome Program at Rutgers University's Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology, and Dr. Lawrence W. Brown, an Associate Professor of Neurology and Pediatrics and the Director of the Pediatric Neuropsychiatry Program at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.

The cost for early registration, available through February 8, is $35 for students, $85 for Rutgers staff and alumni, and $130 for professionals. After February 8, the cost will be $50 for students, $105 for Rutgers staff and alumni, and $150 for professionals. Lunch will be included, and all psychologists, social workers and counselors will receive 6 CEU credits.

This workshop is co-sponsored by the Rutgers Center for Applied Psychology, and registration is available by visiting Event Registration - New Jersey Center for Tourette Syndrome and Associated Disorders.
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