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Mon Feb 8, 5:46 AM

NEW.BRUNSWICK (CBC) - A coffee enthusiast in St. Andrews, N.B., has learned the customer may not always be right.

After complaining three times about "burnt" decaffeinated coffee at the local Tim Hortons, Jimmy Craig is now banned for life :eek:mg: :eek:mg: :eek:mg: from that outlet and the one in nearby St. Stephen.

"It was like brown, burnt water," said Craig. "I almost, you know, got sick in the sink."

Craig said he voiced his concerns to the store manager and corporate office, then got a meeting with the owner, Edwin Dow. That's when Dow served Craig with a letter banning him under the province's trespass act.

"I was baffled," said Craig. "It didn't make any sense at all. All I wanted to do was bring it to his attention that there was a problem with the consistency of his product. "I don't see this is a way to treat people. Whatever happened to the customer is always right?"

Dow contends his staff went the extra mile to satisfy Craig, brewing fresh pots of decaf on request. He said Craig was upsetting his staff and he was tired of his complaints, so he banned him.

Craig has contacted a lawyer to try to get the ban overturned.

Meanwhile, he can only return to the Tim Hortons if he's on the job as a paramedic, responding to a medical emergency. So he's brewing his own coffee at home, which, he said, is cheaper and always fresh.


Re: Major Crisis!

:lol: Overdramatic much?!

Why would he want the ban overturned if the coffee wasn't so great anymore?

Coffee...serious business.


Re: Major Crisis!

Well you right that doesn't make sense. If he actually drank the caffeinated there wouldn't have been a problem. T Ho's lifer ban,what a nightmare!
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