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Why is it taking me longer and longer to come back from these attacks.

ive been in bed mostly 4 days now and finally im coming back to some sense of reality. I think its because my husband is dragging me out of my bed and forcing me to. I then look at my daughter and see how much she wants to celebrate my birthday and god im tired but i don't want to disappoint her.

I thought after each attack it would be easier to come back but it is getting harder why. Im sorry for everything i just need some control back thanks mary


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Re: coming back

One day at a time Mary. Also, have you been taking the medication (cipralex). I find that my anti-depressant has really helped me in the last little while. But you have to be really good about taking them before you feel their effect.
Happy birthday Mary,

I don't know anyone who is strong all the time, I think we all need to take time for ourselves and if you feel you aren't coping well enough on your own then there is lots help if you want it and you only have to ask for it.

I know I can't always be as strong as I think I should be, for myself or my family but I am only human and subject to the same things they are.

It sounds like you are putting your family before your own needs as a good mother often does and should but you also need to take care of yourself. Otherwise you won't have energy left for them or you.
Mary, be patient with yourself. You sound like a loving and caring mother, but sometimes we need to put ourselves first in order to regain our strength. And one day at a time is also very good advice.

Take care,

TG :support:
Thanks for your responses. I am doing alittle better today but find i am tired alot. I have to work as well today this will be hard because emotionally i am a mess.{edit: I'm afraid of messing up} like I did the past. i just can't keep the fear away now so much fear and saddness. These past emotions are truly sucking the very soul out of me. funny tears come more easily now. Maybe thats a good thing. Sorry if i am rambling
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Feeling stronger today i guess because I am in my nurse mode now. Concerned about my daughter now not worrying about other issues. If feels good to be somewhat in control again of who i am. mary


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In reading your posts today Mary, I've seen more hope and strength in you than I have recently - bravo. I hope that you'll keep feeling better. :)
Thanks Jazzey i am trying to stay in the present. I feel sometimes seperated from myself. I have to tell myself i am not her anymore Do you understand
I just keep saying no one can hurt me anymore they are hurting someone in the past not me. Im not going back again please just keep me here in the present and i will be fine. Thanks Jazzey for saying i am doing better i really feel you understand me sometimes you have compassion and insight. thanks
I hope your mother is okay and that she will get strong and be well soon. You must be very tired remember take care of you too Jazzey okay best wishes mary.
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