For the past 5 years i have had migraines that last into the next day with no pain-free periods. I have had all the tests done( CT, MRI, blood tests, and any others my doctors could think of), seen my family doctor, 2 nuerologists. 1 peditrician, a phychologist, counsellor,a chiropracter, massage therapist, a physical therapist, ive tried yoga, exercise, and every preventive/pain killer available. Ive lost two jobs due to these migraines, and am now unable to work/go to school. As anyone can probably guess im frustrated beyond belief and dont know what to do from this point. The only answer ive gotten is that i have " true vasuclar migraines"... this doesnt help me because they havent been able to cure them, if anyone has had these or have any ideas as to what i can do please let me know..