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Ever since I started high school I've been getting this feeling, I guess some people would call it lightheadedness, But I constantly feel like I'm going to pass out.
I'm not sure if it's lack of nutrients or sleep???? Maybe it's the stress. I can't really tell. I don't starve myself, and i've been trying to go to bed early but i can't really keep track of what I'm doing anymore. I'm doing very bad in school like I've said before and the anxiety, both that and the social anxiety. if you didn't know I have general anxiety disorder. Its killing me
Anyway, its driving me crazy because even caffeine doesn't help.
Sometimes I just suddenly feel cold, start shivering and I feel like the room is moving, and sort of feel like I'm going to abruptly fall asleep right there, even though I'm standing
and then I just snap out of it. Then a couple minutes later it comes back.......Oh and alot lately, this is accompanied by nausea. But I'm guessing the dizziness is the source of that........

Also, I am on Celexa. could it have side affects like that? I've been on it for three months.

My question: Could you give me an idea of what might cause this problem? I'm out of ideas.
As expected, my parents believe I am overreacting but I could be. Help! :confused:


Account Closed
When is the last time you had a physical Talon? It could be vertigo, lack of a certain vitamin, anything. The safest bet is to go see your doctor and ask tell them what is going on and ask them for a physical. That way all the necessary tests like blood work will be done. Safer that way.
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Sleeping/falling asleep is my primary stress coping mechanism. But getting dizzy and getting the chills? ('~') I never get that...

I agree, perhaps you should go see a doctor...


Stress can do many things to us. Our system tries to protect itself in many ways.

I agree with Ladylore, Noughts and Halo that a physical is necessary. And if it is vertigo, the worst thing you can do for this is to drink coffee. Caffeine isn't good for vertigo at all.

If you are concerned about side effects, you could google this, however, I would ask your pharmacist and doctor what to expect side effect wise with your medication.



I had the same thing. Still do sometimes, I think it has to do with iron and b12 deficiencies.

I ended up needing glasses and losing the vegetarianism.


Resident Canuck
I agree with asking the pharmacist regarding your meds and the side effects and additionally going back to your doctor.

Even if it is just to rule out things, it is necessary. I do it all the time. New symptoms need to be reported to your doctor regardless if they are related to your anxiety or something else.

Please see your doctor. There could be a simple explination for it all.

Hope you feel better soon. :D
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