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We have 12 inches of snow out here in CO.. and coming home from work was crazy slick... Im trying to unwind from my stinky shift... ooh yeah I posted more pics on my Thelostchild member check it outt


Resident Canuck
We have about 5 inches of snow here right now. Luckily in Toronto they are not calling for freezing rain like Ottawa :yikes:

Freezing rain right after a big snow makes a huge mess!

Drive safely everyone!
would you like our cold weather too? deep frosts and ice?:D

Possibly not... :) Let me insulate my house properly, find some freezing-weather clothing, couple of hundred blankets, heaters and hot water bottles, and I'll get back to you on that one. :D


Resident Canuck
Cute response Gooblax. I wish last night I had a couple hundred blankets! haa haa haa, it would have helped with sleeping.

But after having such a warm place to sleep. Waking up to feet on the cold floor :yikes: just makes me wanna crawl back into bed.

Daniel E.
We have 12 inches of snow out

I had considered moving to that part of the country until I saw videos on YouTube of people having to deal with the snow in the winter and (less frequently) hail in the summer.

But otherwise I envy your location :)


Resident Canuck
I think you might like the snow WhitePage. I like it better than rain. I get drenched in the rain, but walking in a snowfall one doesn't get as soaked. Well, it depends on the density of the snow too.

Don't like snowfakes?? How about a snowball :p

:snowballs: SNOWBALL FIGHT! haa haa haa
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