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All this talk of canned wedding soup, chocolate soup, and canned poutine has me wondering...what's the grossest/weirdest/most creative thing you ever actually made?

For example, in grade eight, my friend told me that tofu takes on the taste of whatever you cook it in. I didn't see that as a problem until I phoned her and asked what I was doing wrong, because something just didn't look right. She asked me what I was cooking it which I replied..."chocolate". Yup, I had chunks of tofu stirring around in a pot with melted chocolate on the stove! It quickly got discarded and I never went near tofu again (interestingly, it didn't affect my affinity for chocolate!).
I made mac and cheese pizza and my friend were in grade 6...we were pretending to host a tv kids cooking show and it went way out of whack....and it didn't alter my love for mac and cheese or pizza....only the combination of them!


Account Closed

Ok - weirdest creation....hmm some do involve tofu but we won't go there tonight Turtle.

Funnily enough, in grade 8 as well, in home economics class we had to cook a dish. I'd opted to make a traditional "potage" (basically a vegetable stew with a base of potatoes, leeks, and tomatoes). This dish is always served with a chunk of butter on top....the teacher forgot to purchase the necessary ingredients. I ended up making it with: tomatoes, carrots, onions with grated mozzarella on this day, I make my potage and grate mozza on top! :)

And, like you, I can't see anything that would discourage me from chocolate! :lol:...but I no longer touch tofu! ;)


Resident Canuck
I remember in grade 8 Home Economics class. My main teacher was away and we had a substitute teacher. We were supose to learn how to make Eclairs for which most of the class had no clue what they were. :lol:

Most of the "eclairs", mine included were flat like pancakes topped with chocolate and whipped cream.

Have to admit, after I tried my "eclair" and realized it was quite awful. I wondered what anyone saw in them. Ofcourse we all thought we made them correctly :lol:

Later I realized they were delicious and how bad of a job we all really did.


Resident Canuck
Want the recipe Jazzey :rofl:

Just kidding, I wouldn't dare, even if I remembered it. I wouldn't want anyone to get sick off it. :lol:


Account Closed
A couple years ago I started to remember my vegan days so decided to make Lentil Stew.

I really have no idea what I did to the poor thing. The first night it tasted ok but not great but by the third day it seemed to take on a life of its own and I ended up throwing out the pot with the contents.

Now I remember one of the mistakes and how to correct it.

Add chicken stock at the start and try to stay away from clean out your fridge at the same time. Lentil stew apparently doesn't like leftoevers. :panic:

One of the most horrible things I have ever made.


Account Closed
:lol: I thought of your "creation" last night Daniel...It looks appetizing. It's the list of ingredients which are problematic. :)


Resident Canuck
My dad always use to tell me "Gravy will put hair on your chest" :yikes3: Then he wondered why it took me so long to try gravy. Ofcourse not before knowing for certian that his "tale" was incorrect :lol:

Daniel E.
Oh, okay. Since you "guys" have already eaten:

Pizza with gravy

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