More threads by Ashley-Kate

adults tend to judge there children all the time saying ones too party type the other too antisocial it seems we never really fit in the bunch or never really make the cut to the child they always wanted .. i am a twined and have been often over and over been considered ads so many will say the "evil twined" although I am more calm and shy they seem to think that seeings how they don't notice what I do i hide it better i really don't know.. My father is frustrated cause i wan to be a psychologist my mother wants me to be whatever i want to be but why is it that I feel compelled to quit fallowing my dreams and not go to university cause i want he approval of my father why is it that a teen althoug many parents think we never listen feels the need to make their parent proud... why am i so glued to a father (that no matter what has a objective in his head me being a lawer and will never agree on what i want to be) that will never support my decision??

I say only do what you want to do because it is what you like. Never do what you think will make your parents proud if it is not what you really want to do. This will only make you unhappy and increase your chances of failing. Believe me, I learned from experience.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder

Of course, you should also be careful not to fall into the trap of NOT doing something just because your parents want you to do it -- sometimes, it might actually be something that would be good for YOU as well, if you stop and consider it.
Re: curiosity

I think its your choice what you want to be. You do what makes you happy. your parents need to realize that if they don't except that then most likely your not going to want to be around them..

why am i so glued to a father (that no matter what has a objective in his head me being a lawer and will never agree on what i want to be) that will never support my decision??

I once herd from a counselor who said that the first person you fall in love with is your father. I don't know if that pertans to what you said earlyer why am i so glued to a father..

Sorry if i wasn't any help.
Re: curiosity

I say only do what you want to do because it is what you like. Never do what you think will make your parents proud if it is not what you really want to do. This will only make you unhappy and increase your chances of failing. Believe me, I learned from experience.

agree with the point! :rolleyes:
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