More threads by Anti-Citrite

Well - this is day 2 for me on Psychlinks and I have come here because I really want to get myself sorted out and I find the postings here very interesting.

I have a love/hate relationship with psychology. I think a really good psychologist can help you get your life in order and that a proper diagnosis, with proper meds can really make life make sense if you apply it and persevere. But a complacent psychologist (of which there are many) who doesn't take the proper amount of time to assess/re-assess and get to know you well, can diagnose you poorly and steer you down the wrong path. If you are already messed up, this is a disaster.

All I know is that life is precious...and to live it with any kind of "thing" holding you back/down is a waste of a gift so we owe it to ourselves to live in every moment taking it all in. My goal is to be able to do that and be free from the baggage/mental health issues/sicknesses, etc. that are preventing me from being able to do that on a daily basis. If I can provide insight to others that is helpful, I am happy to do that too.

So - yeah...that's me.

And, in case you are wondering, I call myself the Anti-Citrite because I absolutely LOATHE citrus. My friend stole the name from a Seinfeld episode and it stuck...


Re: Day 2 on Pyschlinks.

Welcome to Psychlinks Anti-Citrite :welcome2:

I am glad that you decided to join us and I hope to see you around :wave2:


Re: Day 2 on Psychlinks.

Welcome to Psychlinks A-C!

I absolutely LOATHE citrus

Sorry to hear that..from a lover of oranges..:2thumbs:

Hope you find helpful information on the Forum. Feel free to jump into any discussion or start some of your own.

Enjoy Psychlinks!



Welcome AC.

Is a tomato a citrus? I's acidic. And what about the smell of orange blossom. Is it the taste or just all association you hate?

for now,

Excellent Question!

I wouldn't have thought of a tomato as citrus. If it is - it doesn't repulse me. I would never just eat a tomato and don't eat raw tomatoes ever - but tomato sauces, ketchup, etc. are all cool by me.

I find even the scent of a lemon/lime/orange/grapefruit makes me want to gag. I can detect the smallest hint of lemon in cakes, etc. although not so much 1 tsp of lemon juice. The only exception seems to be Mike's Cranberry Lemonade - can't taste a spec of lemon in that and rather enjoy the beverage. Zest practically kills me - I literally can't hold it down.

Too much information?



I find your experience very interesting. It's wonderful to find how diverse is our human experience! It's worthy of so many interesting books..

Not at all too much info :) Information is what makes our connection that much more full and interesting.


Wow - if you think that's interesting, I'd hate for you to see the rest of what goes on in this brain of mine:) I guess with a few more postings, that too may reveal itself.


I find diversity interesting. Human beings are, in my Spiritualist belief, connected at a most profound level and *no* amount or variety in our experience can disavow that connection - sadly, that includes those capable of terrible deeds just as it includes those who are known to be saintly in their effortss toward a more gentle world. In between, the rest of us puddle along, running off in all directions, enriching the pool from which we *all* draw our sense of shared experience and wisdom.

You see, you have nothing to be worried about with me, as I talk too much *all* time. I think I have said: it helps me to stay connected.

Look around the forums. I'm sure you wil find many that may interest you.

That's deep.

I tend to agree that we are all connected and also that pretty much everything is spiritual. One only has to take a look around at the complexity of our world and how it all weaves together so intricately, perfectly and balanced to know that is true - whether your truth is an abstract God or that of world religions.

My personal belief is in a great man called Jesus, but I struggle with all the hypocrisy and chaos that has come from the use of His name and others who "name" themselves after Him that don't act like Him at all. That's another conversation and really has no place on this board.

I too suffer from being too open - bad boundaries really, but really more curious about human condition to sit quietly and not think out loud. Safe outlet online given an anonymous identity...but not the best use of company hours.

See you in the forums.


Hello Contriteful Anti-Citrite ;)
Welcome to Psychlinks,

Lemons, oranges, tomatoes... Hmmm, Methinks it's enough to have a basketful of forum support. Even a garden variety neighbourhood can be a grassroots of sincerity.

Complacent psychologists? You got that right. As there are with any professionals, in any field. Add to that some Incompetent ones. But do not overlook the real sharp ones, a few really helped me and as I can be a rightful cynic, I nonetheless keep my mind open.

Keep the faith AC and welcome... life really is precious, every day of it.

I liked your post. Joey123
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