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Daniel E.
Dialectical Behavior Therapy in the Treatment of Adult ADHD | Psych Central

...In 2002 Hesslinger and colleagues developed a 13-week group as an adaptation of a DBT skills training group. The adapted group included trainings on 3 of the 4 skill modules taught in traditional DBT skills groups. The ADHD group focused on mindfulness, acceptance and tolerance of crisis and painful life events and managing emotions. The ADHD group added training on behavioral analysis, which is typically a part of DBT individual therapy. The purpose of each of these skills modules is to teach individuals to focus attention, accept and survive difficult life events without engaging in impulsive or dangerous behaviors and to reduce vulnerability to extreme emotions. Behavioral analysis teaches individuals to analyze their own behavior patterns and the thoughts, feelings and actions that contribute to impulsive and problematic behaviors.

Although the study size was small, the ADHD participants in the adapted DBT treatment experienced significant reductions in depression and ADHD symptoms. They also saw improvements in attention and ability to focus.
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