Every year is the same. The holidays come so quickly and it's an important reminder of how alone I really am. I hate Christmas. First of all where we do we as a society get off telling our children that there is a Santa Claus that will bring you toys if your good, but if your bad, he'll bring you coal? Well I guess that means that all of the children who are in poverty and don't get that yearly visit from Good ol' St. Nick are just bad little children. And that my friends is the main reason that I hate Christmas. I for one cannot buy my children the things that their father can buy them and every year my good old Christian ex husband and his family remind my children of how terrible I am because I can't keep up with the Jones'. Well, that's fine. My daughter has already asked me if I bought her Christmas presents yet and not to forget that it's her birthday soon. She and my son are going to be 13 and 14 this December and I think it's high time that I let them know that not everyone has the means to keep up with the demand of spending, spending, spending. They need to understand that I am a woman who is not even getting by financially. They need to understand that I don't waste my money, I don't even buy myself underwear for God's sake! They need to understand that as selfish as their father thinks I am because of this, my education is extremely important. I'm not saying that after I receive my degree that I want to be rich, I just want to get by and I want that pride that I am an educated woman who is using the brain that God gave me. But there again, I have to fight against the Christians, because they tell my children that I am a sinner because God does not approve of people who are educated. They quote something out of Proverbs that says the wise are foolosh. Well, that's it. One more year to dissapoint my children. What are you gomna' do? Nothing to do, just do the best you can!