More threads by Cat Dancer

It is hard CD but you are strong and can get through this. A SAD light has worked if you don't have one it does seem to ward of some of the depression. I hope you bought lots of neat stuff at dollar store the other day. That store is the best. Also sending you support CD you are so strong dealing with this:support::hug:


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I just feel so defeated. I know it's my thinking that's faulty at this time, but it's so hard to fight and I'm tired. :( It hurts so much inside. This time of year is too hard.

Yes, this time of year is always hard, for many of us. My favorite part of this time of year - young children. You have that, CD...Just keep focusing on those smiles. After that, everything always seems to fall into place. :)

I know, easier said than done. I'm currently trying to get my Christmas baking done...It keeps my smile on my face.

As others have said - some days, it really is baby steps. Tomorrow, I'm going shopping for toys for my godchildren - that'll be my smile for tomorrow...:)



I just feel so defeated. I know it's my thinking that's faulty at this time, but it's so hard to fight and I'm tired. :( It hurts so much inside. This time of year is too hard.

I wish I could make it all better for you, CD. I really wish I could. I find this time of year really hard too.

What about curling up and watching a nice, comforting movie? With a big mug of hot cocoa and a bowl of buttery popcorn. Just lose yourself in a great movie...laugh with it, cry with it...I often find it helps to take my mind off stuff, even for a little bit.
A movie is a good idea. I have a ton of movies that I've never watched. I'm not sure why.

We did get to the dollar store the other day. I do like the dollar store. :) It is good to get out.

Tomorrow I'm hoping to get the Christmas decorations out and put up some lights. I want to enjoy this time of year and I'll for sure act like I do for Abby and Josh. I hope they won't be able to read my hurt though.


Wow, CD. You are a FABULOUS mother!!! You are working so hard to break the cycle...making sure Abby and Josh have a good Christmas, despite your own internal feelings...putting their wants and needs ahead of your own. THAT'S what being a good parent is all are phenomenal!!

Dollar stores are fun. Where I used to live, I'd drive about an hour to go to a really cool dollar store, where they had tonnes of great stuff. I often forget about them (especially since Walmart is so convenient!). I'm glad you got there.
I am really, really depressed today. I don't know why I can be okish and then so depressed. I have dark thoughts and it's scary and even more depressing. I'm tired of battling all this. I know life is up and down. I'm not sure what normal up and down is though?


I'm sorry Cat Dancer. :support: I don't really know what to say. I do hope that you feel better though. :support:
Hey sorry your moods are up and down mine too. I have just been wrapping Christmas gifts with daughter trying to keep mind busy. Have you got any Christmas gifts that need wrapping yet. I usually put on Xmas songs while i wrap it makes it go easier. I hope you can find something CD to bring you back up again sending you HO HO HO spirits take care.:x):santa:
Thanks. :) I need to do some Christmas decorating.

I'm not sure what my goals are. I've never really not been depressed so I'm not sure what I'm trying to get to.

It just hurts so much. I want to turn to cutting right now.


Awwwww Catdancer, and what a happy dance you do! Try real hard to see the good, there is a lot of good in our world,,,sometimes we just forget that.

Go outside and breathe deep, look up at the stars, the millions of zillions of sparkling lights in the sky and know that you are kinda just a speck in the whole scheme of things,,,but a speck that matters big time.

Life is good hun, your illness is just making yah lose track of that, it gets easier. It has for me, and it can for you! This I know is true!
I hope you don't cut CD try getting some decorations out and get your little one to help decorate Cut out some paper angels that use to make my kids happy and string them up all over house okay just keep busy keep distracted.
Maybe go Christmas shopping get out of the house a bit. take care
I don't know. I am just so depressed. I know it's partly SAD, but that doesn't make it any easier to deal with. I am just sick and tired of dealing with this most of the time. It's frustrating. :mad:
I hope you feel better soon as it is very difficult especially looking after little ones Maybe put some favorite christmas music on take care.


I found when things got real bad for me, I tried to help someone else!! When you can make yourself useful, that always make YOU feel better.

Kinda selfish reasons, but it is a win win situation all around, right?


It's hard being depressed at this time of year, when you look around and others seem so happy. Depression is never, ever fun. It can suck you dry and leave you feeling hopeless, which feeds the vicious cycle.

I can only echo what the others have said here, Cat Dancer, but I wanted to let you know that I read this and am thinking of you. I hope you feel much better soon.
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