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Country Radio Station Airing Live Talk Show that Makes a Difference

One of the oldest country music radio stations in the country, WXRL Radio 1300AM, airs the only live talk show focusing on disabilities every Sunday from 5-6 PM EST called DisAbility News & Views, with upbeat host Monica Moshenko, making a difference for 55 million people in America with a disability, families, professionals and the community.

BUFFALO, NY (PRWEB) January 11, 2005 -- "Disability News and Views," the nation's only live radio talk show that focuses on disabilities, is for the first time bringing timely and critical information to the general public, professionals, parents and families of the disabled as well as to those with disabilities themselves.

Broadcast on Sundays from 5-6 PM on WXRL Radio 1300AM, the show provides information to listeners affected by disabilities on a broad range of topics that includes legal issues, diagnoses, the search for causes of disabilities, special education and the whole gamut of treatments, ranging from the traditional to alternative therapies along with inspirational and motivational guests who often have a disability.

The show's host and developer is Monica Moshenko, the mother of 24 year old twins and 11 year old son with a high functioning form of autism, Aspergers Syndrome. She is also the President of Power Advocates, an agency designed to train and assist parents of children with special needs through the special education system.

For five years, Moshenko has worked with families in Western New York, helping them navigate the many bureaucratic hurdles that exist in order for their children to gain access to the most effective and most appropriate treatment and education programs available.

"Many parents of children with disabilities are unaware of their rights under federal and state laws," Moshenko said. "While parents struggle with a myriad of challenges, medically, financially and emotionally, they cannot effectively advocate for their children's disabilities when they do not know their rights."

"My son Alex was diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome when he was six," said Moshenko. "Because of the early and intensive therapies Alex received in school and at home, such as speech and occupational therapy and social skills training, my son has been in regular class since first grade and was on the Merit Roll for Sixth Grade at Clarence Middle School. Alex is very much a typical ll-year-old boy who likes YuGiOh and WWE but also very gifted in poetry, insightful, caring and sensitive."

Over 55 million people in our country have a disability that, is one in five people. Most do not know that 80% of people with disabilities acquire them and are not born with disability. Sadly, people with disabilities are the largest unrepresented minority in our country today, especially in the media. I wanted to educate and bring more understanding about disabilities, as the more we understand about each other, the better people we become. I met with several local radio stations and decided to host the show on WXRL Radio, a Country radio station that is very family oriented."

While Moshenko brokers the time to host the show, she has found businesses who believe in her mission across the country and help support the costs of the radio show.

Currently, the radio show is being sponsored by Future Horizons of Arlington, Texas, leader in autism education; Laureate Learning of Winooski, Vermont, makes of research-based language software; ABC Therapeutics, from NY that provides occupational therapy services and assessments including sensory integration therapy for children and Accelerations Educational Software from South Carolina featuring software that is specifically effective for individuals with autism and other learning disabilities.

National and local businesses and agencies that provide services and products for people with disabilities, families and professionals are encouraged to sponsor DisAbility News & Views Radio Show by calling Monica at 716-522-9185 or email e-mail protected from spam bots

Future topics include dyslexia, bipolar disorder, non-verbal learning disorders, sexuality, special education law, mental retardation, mental health, epilepsy, cerebral palsy, ADHD, Autism, ADA, Civil Rights, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, sensory integration and much more. Beside being entertaining with opening and closing music Moshenko picks out each week, she also shares important news items with listeners and guests educate and inspire all.

Moshenko's 11-year old son, Alex, hosted a special show for KIDS ONLY and interviewed Diane Bubel of The Bubel Aiken Foundation (by singing sensation Clay Aiken) December 26th. It has been one of the most listened to shows on the website. Alex has a natural talent and it shows. He has been on TV shows and radio before and plans to be an actor one day. Two of his favorite actors are Jim Carrey and Will Smith.

While Disability News and Views can be heard live throughout New York, northern Pennsylvania and southern Ontario, Canada each Sunday, the greatest benefit is having the taped radio shows on the website. Listeners have sent emails from England, Japan, Australia, Canada and the U.S. about the benefits, need and importance of the radio show with Monica Moshenko. "I am really encouraged to know that my guests and topics discussed on the radio show, are making a difference in people's lives. That was my hope and plan all along! It keeps me focused on what needs to get done, especially when times are tough!"

Moshenko wants the radio show to be syndicated across the country so that listeners can call in each Sunday and interact with guests and topics. You can access all past shows online at

Monica Moshenko
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