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In late January, my wife and I bought a camcorder each. I have started recording myself for a Youtube channel I started called, "TheNakedWombat" and even put up a TS video using the webcam before I bought the camcorder.

What I have found interesting is watching myself on the computer where I blink with my right eye a lot while speaking and, I apparently will say something straight after finishing a sentence and not know that I said that extra something.

Now, I've had people asking me to repeat what I just said and I repeat what I know I said and they say, "No, what did you say after that?". But I never know what they're on about but now I do. I apparently at times, will say something extra without my knowledge after I finish a sentence.

I missed my neurologist appointment in February as I couldn't get in and the closest appointment available is in mid July. I also pushed back my first appointment with a Professor in Neurology in Brisbane from May to August as I can't afford the initial consultation of over $300 for a 10-15 minute visit.

Anyway, I deleted that interesting footage which was a mistake. From now on, I'll preserve any such interesting tics so I can point them out to my doctors.


lol That's great NakedWombat. I like that you use humour to talk about such a serious thing as Tourette Syndrome. The best way to do it, for anything condition really. lol

You had me laughing pretty good when I had a mental picture of someone running up and giving you the Heimlich maneuver. lol

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