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David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Do you have what it takes to be a psychotherapist?
by Lucia Grosaru
December 12, 2008

Being a psychotherapist is one of the very few things you cannot actually learn [unless] you already are.

Despite all the books you might read, all the theories you might learn and the behavior you might exercise in the mirror, there are some things that can?t be taught or learned. I am talking about the inner structure (the feelings, thoughts and behaviors) that makes you more prone to choose a career in humanities rather than natural sciences and also about those skills required to be -not only- a therapist, but an [effective] one.

Here are some traits [effective] therapists would [exhibit]:

Authenticity. The level of authenticity and mental health are vital to the therapeutic process.

Confidence. Have trust in yourself as a human being along with your skills and abilities needed for therapy.

A clear identity. A psychotherapist knows who he is, he is aware of his potential, what he wants from life, everything that is essential to him.

Self-Respect and Self-Appreciation. Therapists know their own value, and beyond that they can offer and receive help and love.

Accept changes in life. They are not afraid to leave the familiar behind and embrace the unknown.

Always expanding their knowledge. They will tend to understand themselves and others better and also the world they live in.

Accept and tolerate ambiguity. A certain level of ambiguity will always remain part of our existence and therapists know and accept that.

Your own style in counseling and therapy. Although the theories of psychology and psychotherapy are available to all therapists, each and every one of them will develop an unique way of using them into their practice. Also, that style is in accordance with the therapist?s life experience.

Life enthusiasts. All actions should be oriented towards life and activity.

Sense of humour. They are capable of considering some aspects of life in a more light manner.

Communication. A therapist should find it easy to communicate with his clients and say everything in a diplomatic manner.

Admit your own mistakes. Your own mistakes are resources for further learning.

Live in the present! Psychotherapists mostly live ?here and now?, rather than drown themselves in the past events or future desires.

Make decisions. Therapists are not afraid of making decisions that change or shape their lives.

Real interest [in] the welfare of others. Therapists manifest respect, care, understanding and trust towards others.

[Respect for] the role of culture. Culture affects the way humans develop and the diversity of values needs to be respected and understood.

Do you have what it takes to be a psychotherapist?

Admin note: Original source edited and somewhat reformatted for this post.
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