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I went to pick up my shoulder/back medication at the pharmacy and had to wait for a bit as they were busy.
Finally, the new pharmacist guy comes up to the counter and asks if I'm waiting to pick-up.
I said yes. He asked my name and I told him.

Then he says "You mean *last name*?" and he said my name different then what I had just told him. My name is pronounced differently then it is spelled because it is French.

Today, I got schooled on how to pronounce my own last name. :shock4:


Resident Canuck
People mis spell, and mis pronounce my last name all the time too. I just laugh now :teehee:


I usually just ignore if it is pronounced wrong but he basically told me that "I" pronounced it wrong.:fool:
i had that happen to me once too. i wasn't too impressed and quite offended actually. as if i don't know my own name. this woman said, when i corrected her, "oh it doesn't really matter." 'scuse me?


That's funny.

Few moths after I got married, I had to have a surgery. In the recovery room, I kept hearing the nurses, at various times, call out my new last name. But in the haze, I kept opening one eye and looking around the room thinking, "What is my mother-in-law doing here??" At some point one nurse kept speaking very loudly in my ear while the other one walked over to the side of the bed to look at my face (I was positioned on my side facing away from them and strapped to all kinds of beeping things) and noticed my one opened eye and said, "She's awake!"

I croaked back (couldn't talk due to tubing) that I thought they were calling my mother-in-law, at which point they reminded me that I'm married. It was the joke among them and my husband and I for the duration of my stay. :D


Resident Canuck
You had more wits about you after a surgery than I did Lana.

Brad Pitt could have been my nurse and I would not have realized it at the time :lol:

I kept on saying to them "I have to pee, I am going to wet the bed" :lol: They tried explain that I wouldn't but I couldn't understand it.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Today, I got schooled on how to pronounce my own last name. :shock4:

Maybe we should all be doing more of this.

Americans and the British are especially good at mangling names originating in other languages.

In sports, two examples come to mind immediately: Gagne (pronounced gag-nee; baseball) and Favre (pronounced farv; football). When I first heard those pronunciations, I thought it was a joke. :)


Resident Canuck
Patrick Roy (hockey goalie) is another one that comes to mind. Most prounouce it like Roy, but it is prounounced like Woih maybe not the right sound, but close enoug....maybe?


Account Closed
RRR-oo-ah..."Roi" I know that it's been anglicized.. But that's because of the history with acadians who often changed their names when the british invaded. So, Roi became Roy and or worst yet, "King"...

Ok...I may be a little uptight about name pronounciations. :D


Resident Canuck
RRR-oo-ah..."Roi" I know that it's been anglicized.. But that's because of the history with acadians who often changed their names when the british invaded. So, Roi became Roy and or worst yet, "King"...

Ok...I may be a little uptight about name pronounciations. :D

I use to be too, but now I can hardly string three words together and not studder so not so much now :lol:

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
RRR-oo-ah..."Roi" I know that it's been anglicized.. But that's because of the history with acadians who often changed their names when the british invaded. So, Roi became Roy and or worst yet, "King"...

Didn't you leave out the W?

And actually, roi is a corruption of rex, which in turn is descended from Jurassic Park. :D


Account Closed
:lol: :panic: what "w"??? Or, was that 'r-o-w'?

I'm confused now? :) not easy being bilingual - I get confused in both official languages. :)

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
You should start to learn Spanish... then you could be confused in three languages. :)

Daniel was trying to learn Spanish at one time, but he got confused and accidentally learned Spinach instead. :D
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