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I have the easiest name ever, and always get asked to spell it. As soon as I do, they glance at me in surprise and say "Oh! Exactly the way it sounds."'s not exactly difficult...sometimes if they seem to be struggling with it, I'll throw in a few extra letters to give myself a laugh. Something so simple should never be so difficult.


No one really can say my second surname correctly.. my surname is scottish sounding and people have trouble getting it right lol


I had a teacher in high school who insisted that I (and everyone else) pronounced my first name incorrectly. In his southern drawl he would call out my name the way he thought it should be said- it was like fingernails on a blackboard. It was actually quite funny that he was so adamant about it, he even gave me lecture about how I was pronouncing my name wrong.

My last name is also a challenge for people. It is one of the easiest names you could imagine, yet no one can ever spell it. They always want to add extra letters to make it more complicated. So, now I automatically spell my last name for people.
my surname is foreign. If I say it "correctly" it freaks people out so sometimes I go easy on 'em and anglicize (= mangle) the pronunciation.
It's really fun in hospitals etc though. I always know it's my turn from the panicked expression and swift intake of breath. Then I wait to see how many syllables they will add... :haddock:
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