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Heard about this cool video contest through working with the SAMHSA and the What A Difference A Friend Makes program. Basically you make a video telling the story of how you've helped a friend with mental health issue they have; whatever that mean be. i.e. overcoming stereotypes, just listening, whatever. Anyway, cool way to raise awareness and you have a chance to win a trip to the Voice Awards in Hollywood. If you want to enter, go to the SAMHSA website.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Thanks, Breezy.

Here are the details - note the contest ends soon (August 31, 2010):

Step Up & Support Friends Contest

Recovery from mental health problems happens in a society of acceptance. Friends can make all the difference by just being there and offering support, friendship, strength and acceptance.

You have always been there for your friend - here is your chance to tell your story. We're looking for meaningful stories about friends helping another through recovery from mental health problems or during a particularly hard time in their lives.

SUBMIT ENTRY Entries must be received by August 31, 2010. Winners will be announced September 15, 2010.

The story can either be derived from real life or can be fictional. Please be discreet about the true identity of the friend with mental health problems unless he/she agrees to participate.

The winning video will be showcased at the Voice Awards in Los Angeles on October 13, 2010, and you and a companion will win a paid trip for two to attend the event. Two runner-up winners will each receive a new Flip MinoHD™ camera.

Not an aspiring filmmaker? We love to read prose too. Send us your story as a short essay, in less than 250 words. Two essay winners will be selected, and each will receive a new Flip MinoHD™ camera.

If you need some inspiration, check out our main site to learn about different mental health problems, read real-life stories about support and recovery, join an online community to share experiences, and see how YOU can make a difference.
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