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I feel weird posting here b/c I thought I was doing so well in my ED (until a few slip-ups recently due to stress and things - which I'm not letting go any further), but I just realized after posting to a thread I wrote in another forum that I still am attached to a certain part of my ED and it kind-of shocked me. It shocked me because for a while I've been confident and proud of myself to think "Hey, I haven't used any behaviors in _ months! I'm not relying on ED anymore! ED no longer has control over me, I'm actually living life!" Well, that's not true, I'm terrified to allow myself to get past a certain point in weight. It's not really a number on a scale, it has to do with the way I look on a certain area on my body. It relates back to trauma. If I gain so much weight in a certain area, it will trigger me into nightmares, etc. and it's just hard to explain, but now that I see it, I do not let myself get to that point in my body image/weight. I do the whole 'body check' thing daily to just confirm that I am "OK" in that certain area. I've never thought it was a problem, but I guess it is? I have told my T that I don't like to gain weight to a certain point because of this, which he has of course told me to challenge and I've tried, achieved it, but immediately start losing weight. Can I not use behaviors such as restricting, purging, over-exercising - be in recovery @ a healthy weight, but still be afraid to get to that certain point, which is still a healthy weight, too? How does or would that work? I've challenged it, but didn't stay there. That brings in the whole control thing again. I feel out of control when I get to that point, but then the ED could still have control, too. Why can't life just be the perfectly perfect that doesn't exist for anyone? (That's not a real question. I'm just frustrated.)

Thanks for any feedback out there.


I think I understand what you're saying, and I am the same. I am ok with the actual numbers on the scales, but I'm not ok with my hips. I feel panicky unless my hip bones are protruding, I cannot stand for any 'meat' to be there at all. I have also challenged it, but then immediately start losing again, just to feel 'comfortable' again.

I think it's more of a trauma thing rather than an ED thing(for me anyway) and I'm thinking that If I could actually let myself have hips and could fight the urge to lose them that eventually I would become ok with it. But I need to find a way to deal with how it makes me feel to have hips, what it means,why I feel the way I do,etc.


That's exactly it - except mine is the hip bones and I can't stand for my inner thighs to touch. It all has to do with trauma. I think I could fight the hip bones more than I could the other. For me that's a power thing. They make me feel invincible. For the other, I really can't imagine myself living with legs that touch. I know it's fine and I look fine that way, but it triggers too much. Sounds foolish when I say it, but it also makes me panic when I imagine it or think of challenging myself to get to that point again. I understand what the feeling is and why it sets me off, but I'm not sure how to fight through it.

Thanks for responding. I'm glad someone gets it.
It's amazing how things other than weight and sizes can trigger us like certain bones sticking out or body parts not touching. I have a thing about my collarbones. I want to be able to see them. I hate this disease. :(


It's weird how in the beginning of it all, I thought it was about numbers, etc., but of course it's not. It's definitely about those deep rooted issues, but it's like somehow, some way, ED is always lingering somewhere.

I know that's why there are doctors/therapists out there to help us understand all of that, what it means, etc., but it really is amazing how the ED can creep in anywhere. I based my ED on if I was active in the behaviors or not. I guess I was in denial that I was still suffering from the body image stuff. *shame*

As you put it: I hate this disease, too. :(
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