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David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
"Don?t Be Nervous Talking 2 Girls", New Game on Xbox Live
By Christian Witka
12th Dec 2009

"Dating simulator" with a particularly interesting game over screen. .

Available now on Xbox Live Marketplace for 80 MS Points ( US$1), a new game that promisses to teach you how to chat with the ladies: Don't Be Nervous Talking 2 Girls. It's developed by Silver Dollar Games, a company that focus on making visual novels and similar games.

With the tagline "Are you nervous talking to girls? All you need is practice", the game plays like a visual novel where you need to keep up a pleasant conversation with a female. Should you creep out the woman, she responds with threats, like calling the police on you. Maybe there's a sequel in which you need to talk your way out of jail.

I don't think anyone will want to play this in that huge television in the living room.
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