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I sometimes feel like watching,or listening to,Donald Trump is just as horrifying as all the violence happening in the world.It's like we are being punked or something,is this even real?He leaves me scratching my head and thinking wtf....


MVP, Forum Supporter
Re: What Are You Feeling Today?

This is true LIT. :( It's like, how did this actually happen???

You are one of the people who lives in the right country to do something about it... every vote will be needed for the major candidate who can defeat him. :)
Wish I knew how I could mobilize lots of mistreated devalued women in pretty rightwing areas to pretend they're voting that way to feel safe, but to secretly in the ballot room not only defeat the problem but let in the first female POTUS.... ;)


Re: What Are You Feeling Today?

You are one of the people who lives in the right country to do something about it... every vote will be needed for the major candidate who can defeat him

That's right,all of you here in the U.S. need to get out there and vote this year!Don't just sit and complain,DO something about it!


Re: What Are You Feeling Today?

Yup Lit, your fellow humans around the globe share your confusion and sense of mounting horror.
We were laughing when he started his campaign, but now....not so much

Thank goodness for people like you who have a vote...hope you succeed!


Re: What Are You Feeling Today?

He's as real as Wisconsin cheese but without the whole ingredients, patience, and care that make a good cheese. The only thing comparable are all the holes in the two.


Account Closed
Re: What Are You Feeling Today?

There is so much hate and misconceptions in this electoral campaign, people are fighting with each other, disrespectful to other's opinions, views or presented evidence. It feels almost like the US is at the verge of civil war.
I do not vote in the US elections, but I believe the results will impact the world. By the way, here is an interesting book, that those voting must read with an open mind in order to make an informed decision:

Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich: Peter Schweizer: 9780062369284: Books -


Re: What Are You Feeling Today?

There is so much hate and misconceptions in this electoral campaign, people are fighting with each other, disrespectful to other's opinions, views or presented evidence.

That is true,but also the nature of the beast.

Many people in my town plan on voting for Hillary just because they feel she is the 'lesser of two evils',while others don't plan on voting at all because they simply don't know what's true and what's not.And I'm not exactly sure why many of them are supporting Trump,but I have noticed the ones that do have become more aggressive,increasingly racist and disdainful towards others and I do worry about that.(* I am only speaking about my own town,not the rest of the population*).


Account Closed
Re: What Are You Feeling Today?

If Americans realize that the information in the above book is factual and still vote for Hillary, then this means that Americans are comfortable with choosing a president, who is known to be corrupt worldwide, and to lie to them relentlessly. Not to mention, the threats she created to your National security and the arrogance with which she lies about them and places herself above the law. Frankly, she was under criminal investigation by the FBI until last month. I would be very uncomfortable voting for such a person. To be honest, she is an embarrassment to your country.
If she is sincere about supporting gays and women and all religious minorities, then she should not be accepting tens of millions of dollars from Saudi Arabia and similar countries.
Maybe people support Trump, because he has a clean history, nothing he had ever done comes even close to national security threats and FBI investigations.
In terms of violence, there was a lot of violence against Trump supporters at his rallies, where it was determined by police that other candidates fans went to his rallies and attacked peaceful supporters, including women and teens. This was actually documented and shown on TV. The women and the teen were not engaging with the attackers at all. It sounds like you believe that this guy (Trump) is a criminal or a monster, when in fact he is a successful businessman, without history of compromising US national security. I guess he makes the current political elite uncomfortable.
If you think that the US security is not a priority, wait for the open borders policy of Hillary. I am not an expert on it, but the experts in the US have spoken, and I suggest people read what they have to say.
Hillary will be the Merkel of the US. In Sweden or Germany, the statistics are that 1 of 4 women will be raped by migrants. I stopped traveling to Europe due to the events there and the no-go zones in the big cities. I love the US, have lived there and would hate it if the US become an impossible tourist destination.


Re: What Are You Feeling Today?

I respect your right to your own personal opinions and choose to not have a debate over it.Nobody will change my mind,and my own personal thoughts and opinions on this anyway.I am just grateful I do have the opportunity to vote in a way I feel is best.


Account Closed
Re: What Are You Feeling Today?

I understand. This is not a political site, and debating is very different than simply insulting other candidates.
The reason, I did post here is because I wanted to clarify that some of us think differently. It seems there was an assumption that everyone on the site agrees with the insults towards Donald Trump and an aggressive attempt to intimidate his supporters, even though this site is not supposed to be about politics. Fact is, there is millions of people in the US and all over the world who support Donald Trump and think (differently).
Anyway I am out of the "What do you feel" thread and will not be responding to posts :) hope everyone on here feels well for the rest of the time.


I see this has been moved and it's an entire thread dedicated to Donald Trump.Okay,this could be fun....


---------- Post Merged at 03:34 PM ---------- Previous Post was at 03:17 PM ----------


David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
I don't personally have an interest in discussing either politics or religion. I have my own opinions and beliefs but I don't enjoy debating them with others.

However, as long as discussions are kept civil, polite, respectful, and non-defamatory, you can discuss whatever you like in the Just Chat forum.

Keep in mind that I don't want people fighting or getting hurt feelings, and I don't want to get sued for libel or slander or anything of that ilk. :eek:


I took Harebells statement about religion as being funny(I think that's how it was meant).

I don't like debating politics or religion with others either,and this wasn't meant to be a debate or turn into one,it was more just personal thoughts of my own,as were posts others made.None of us went into details about what we feel Trump is doing wrong,or even why he shouldn't be supported or anything,more just personal statements.It was all pretty civil.

I do like that this has been put into its own thread,now people can choose to read and/or respond just by reading the title,although I doubt anyone will reply anymore since it turned into something it was not meant to be,which seems to be a pattern lately.


Yes I was just trying to defuse the situation with humour...(as in politics and religion being the things you should never discuss)....that worked out well, obviously. Maybe I won't go into a career in mediation after all. Sorry really didn't intend to hurt anyone's feelings.
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