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Omg,I will be so glad for it to be over with tomorrow finally.This has been the dirtiest,most scandalous ever in history I think.

Yeah....your poor country! I have not been watching any if it lately but our CBC radio did an article about how there is an entire city of people who want to move to Canada if Trump wins...and there are ads encouraging your folks to come to certain regions if our Country.


I am not even voting at all this time.And I plan on staying home all day just because I think it's better to be safe than sorry.

Never in my life would I have imagined there would come a time I would actually be afraid to vote,that I would be afraid of my own safety by doing so.


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Yeah....your poor country! I have not been watching any if it lately but our CBC radio did an article about how there is an entire city of people who want to move to Canada if Trump wins...and there are ads encouraging your folks to come to certain regions if our Country.
It would be nice to get celebrities move to Northern Ontario, Saskatchewan etc, lol, Canada would become a nation of celebrities. I just hope Justin Bieber remains in the US!


I don't even know what to say.All I keep thinking is this man,the one that said grab them by the p*ssy,is our president.

I am speechless.


MVP, Forum Supporter
Occasionally I wonder exactly how 'conspiracy theory' to get... whether a president is someone who makes any of the real decisions in a place of that level of power or not, or whether each top candidate is kind of 'chosen' by parties that we don't see operating or whatever, for purposes other than making any real decisions. I do wonder sometimes.

Well, Australia is a fairly OK place, I guess, nobody likes any of the politicians here ever or takes them the slightest bit seriously, we just laugh about them, and the Asians invest in all the property here because our parties are so similar and not much ever really changes that much - predictability and stability is good for investment or something. Very strong antigun laws and extremely low gun ownership too, and the police overall seem pretty good. Come on down everybody.

*Oh, huge disclaimer about outrageous cost of living though. *
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It comes down to credibility. If and when anyone proves this they can become trustworthy. If not abused, momentum upwards can be achieved.
We The People are what our forefathers recognized to be true and it is up to each of us to make a difference for our's and our children's future.
I've always said that life isn't fair but it's up to all us to make it as fair as possible.


I suppose the only thing to do is to move forward now and hope Trump does a good job and makes positive changes.

There's always hope.


MVP, Forum Supporter
Yup. Who knows what could happen... I don't know how the institutions and rules etc work over there, but when there is a wildcard situation like this, I don't know whether sometimes somebody could end up not even staying president as long as expected, or who knows what. And sometimes unexpected things can later lead to positive reforms in systems or some sort of positive changes over time. I heard a few things that gave me food for thought today, reading about all kinds of different angles on the whole thing.

But hugs to those out there needing them. Especially depending what kinds of different concerns and worries and feelings are attached to all of this, for different individuals in different situations facing this. Lotttsss of people across the whole world have struggled watching and trying to make sense of all of this.


Occasionally I wonder exactly how 'conspiracy theory' to get... whether a president is someone who makes any of the real decisions in a place of that level of power or not, or whether each top candidate is kind of 'chosen' by parties that we don't see operating or whatever, for purposes other than making any real decisions. I do wonder sometimes.

There's so many different theories out there,some really seem plausible.Even Trump himself kept saying it was rigged,and I believe that,especially now.

There's alot of protesting going on,so much tension and discontent,I don't know where it's going to lead but maybe it's all part of an elaborate plan that I have been reading about for quite a few years.


MVP, Forum Supporter
You have to admit when you see a thing that to so many seemed impossible and absurd, you just don't know what to think, and the more and more conspiracy theory style things start to seem plausible! Well considering dirty or dishonest or trying-to-be-hidden things being known about so much already with more evidence that we get coming out about certain things these days. On the other hand politics and groups of people and demographics are so complicated, and after the fact you start reading about all kinds of factors in those things which many sources realise they had overlooked or underestimated. Also, I read about this professor who has accurately predicted every US election for years and years simply on the basis of this bunch of yes or no questions relating to what is happening in the country at the time. And he predicted Trump.

Well, I'm actually starting to somehow feel a tiny bit better. Some circles that I read had pretty much decided this is going to be some sort of fascism or what have you. But now I keep thinking, well heck, maybe some things were said but not meant, simply for the purpose of bravado and bluster as well as getting certain voter groups on board just during the time when you NEED them and their votes....?? Only to disappoint or not follow through. I honestly have no idea though, and I really have not followed all this or the people involved for a very long time at all.

At the moment until I see what happens, I guess I'm taking a weird comfort/hope in the idea that politicians after their promises and speeches, so often can be relied on to disappoint or not follow through??! Usually that's thought of as a bad thing, but sometimes not?!?
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Things are starting to become very heated.I am surprised at the amount of arguing happening in my town on social media.People are starting to threaten each other,there's name calling,insults,etc.I have been avoiding Facebook because my newsfeed is nothing but hate.

And the protests are becoming violent,as I am sure some of you have seen or heard about already.

I think it will only get worse.


Things are starting to become very heated.I am surprised at the amount of arguing happening in my town on social media.People are starting to threaten each other,there's name calling,insults,etc.I have been avoiding Facebook because my newsfeed is nothing but hate.

And the protests are becoming violent,as I am sure some of you have seen or heard about already.

I think it will only get worse.

I stopped watching the news even before the election.... Its just too much stress and not worth the energy required. Try to find some activity that brings you comfort and let it go...

Today is Remembrance Day in Canada. War, the result of bad national relations and politics.


MVP, Forum Supporter
I've seen a few things about people who are supposedly considered likely to get important positions in the new government - although I haven't gone deep and checked it all out yet and don't want to worry too much if it has not yet happened or may not actually happen. But I can't say I'm not worried. Reports which seem to suggest that it has emboldened and increased certain behaviours and problems, also worry me. :( :(

Even if I could hope that a president may be just a puppet, it's still not good if an outcome of an election emboldens certain bad stuff. :( :(


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Left extremists protesting Constitutional Democracy on the US streets.

The same left who declared before the elections that they will accept the results, only because they thought Hilliary was winning. Some of the protesters were announced to be "professional protesters", much like the ones Clinton paid to protest and shut down Trump rallies in major US cities before the elections.
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MVP, Forum Supporter
Donald Trump is a polarizing figure with his alt right views. , I'm sure the protests against him will continue throughout his term of office.
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I read somewhere that America just wasn't ready for a female president,that if Hillary was male she would have definitely won.It makes me wonder how much truth there is to that statement.I can't help but wonder how much influence Trump had on that with the way he speaks of females.


MVP, Forum Supporter
I don't consider myself to know politics deeply but many sources feel she was actually a rather weak candidate in many ways/not the right candidate for this particular time and should not have been chosen under the circumstances, as well as factors of how the campaign was run have been considered not done so well. I don't know and I also don't really know how easy or difficult it is for a party, campaign, candidate to really really really know its electorate. What I do know is the misogyny and sexism that exists, existed before Trump. That, I want to see change more and more... so I guess what I'm really interested in now is what exactly can move that forward faster. I have thoughts but it's a topic I want to learn about further and more deeply, and I guess that gives me ideas of something constructive/positive/satisfying/hopeful that I can do.


What I do know is the misogyny and sexism that exists, existed before Trump.

Yes,that is true,it existed before Trump.I guess my wondering was from what I have seen in my own town through all of this.I am sure the ones that are disrespectful towards women always were,but maybe they felt it was more acceptable to voice their opinions and disrespect more openly due to all the media about Trump(again,speaking about my own town only).And maybe were influenced in that way.
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