More threads by Cat Dancer

It's been a hard, rough day and I just want to sit here and relax, but the laundry needs to be folded and put away and I can't get it out of my mind. It's not going anywhere. Nobody will die if I don't do it. Why can't I just let it go for now? Why does it have to haunt my mind and not let me rest? :hissyfit:
this may be too late to offer

Could you maybe find a real interesting site on the web to explore?
Find a good book that you can sink your teeth into as it were,
even looking at a photo album?
Maybe one of these ideas could occupy the space that these thoughts are in, Yet leave you relaxing and enjoying your rest.


Dr. Meg, Global Moderator, Practitioner

Challenging OCD thoughts is frustrating. For what it's worth, I think it's good that you are challenging them. I hope you get a chance to relax soon.


Just a thinking of you post. Hope that you got some rest in the end, not just physically but mentally too.
Have a great day


Account Closed
I'm a little late here Cat Dancer. Were you able to get a little rest for yourself? :) I'm also a big supporter of distracting the mind when I'm engulged in stuff that has to be done (according to my brain at least)...But I usually try and do something physical for 10 minutes to shift that thinking pattern. I don't know if this helps though.


Cat Dancer,

I don't have OCD, but I feel that way aswell. I like to have everything done and then I can relax. I think if the truth be told alot of people feel like that. What I would say is just go sit down, even if only for an hour, chill out, and then see how you feel.:hug:
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