I am just unable to move on, i feel like i am locked in a cage. Imagine a dog who is beaten every day and cannot go out because he fears everyone and everything that is me.
If you can't or won't go out to see a therapist and you don't want to take medication, basically you are denying yourself the only two avenues to moving beyond your illness.
You are going to have to do one or the other, or both. Otherwise, you are correct - you are stuck where you are.
SadGirl, I am glad you are continuing to post your feelings and questions here. You need to keep doing so as long as you are feeling as you are. But I agree with Dr. Baxter. Medications and therapy really do help. They are essential to battling depression. Please make some phone calls, and keep doing so until you get answers you can live with. Make your entire world be calling people such as therapists, psychologists, doctors, psychiatrists, etc. The aswers you want are out there. Don't give in to the illness. Please be gentle with yourself. You deserve it.
If someome is awful to me does it mean that I deserve to be treated that way? does it mean that i am awful? does it mean others will treat me that way too?
When anyone is awful towards you shows you the type of person THEY are. Not you. However, if you are in the role of a victim there will be those who will use and abuse you. Choose not to be a door mat. I once read that we teach others how to treat us. Go to a therapist and learn coping skills to help you through situations where people are hurtful.
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