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David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
EMDR: Taking a Closer Look
By Scott O. Lilienfeld and Hal Arkowitz, Scientific American: Body
January 3, 2008

Can moving your eyes back and forth help to ease anxiety?

More than 500 brands of psychotherapy exist, with new ones springing up on a nearly monthly basis. Although a handful of these neophyte treatments have been tested in scientific studies, it is anybody?s guess whether the others actually work.

Over the past 15 years or so, one of these new kids on the therapy block has stood out from the pack for the remarkable attention it has received from the media, practitioners and mental health consumers. This treatment carries a mouthful of a label?eye movement desensitization and reprocessing?and it has made an impressive splash on the psychotherapy scene. Not surprisingly, most therapists refer to it simply as ?EMDR,? and we?ll do the same here.

Like some other psychotherapies, EMDR was the brainchild of serendipity. One day in 1987 Francine Shapiro, a California psychologist in private practice, went for a walk in the woods. She had been preoccupied with a host of disturbing thoughts. Yet she discovered that her anxiety lifted after moving her eyes back and forth while observing her surroundings. Intrigued, Shapiro tried out variants of this procedure with her clients and found that they, too, felt better. EMDR was born.

After an initial published study in 1989, EMDR became the focus of dozens of investigations and scores of presentations at professional conferences. Shapiro initially developed EMDR to help clients overcome the anxiety associated with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other anxiety disorders, such as phobias. Nevertheless, therapists have since extended this treatment to a host of other conditions, including depression, sexual dysfunction, schizophrenia, eating disorders, and even the psychological stress generated by cancer.

EMDR therapists ask their clients to hold the memories of anxiety-provoking stimuli?for example, the painful memories of a frightening accident?in their minds. While doing so, clients track the therapist?s back-and-forth finger movements with their eyes, much like a person in an old Hollywood movie following a hypnotist?s swinging pocket watch. EMDR proponents have invoked a dizzying array of explanations for the apparent effectiveness of the lateral eye movements: distraction, relaxation, synchronization of the brain?s two hemispheres, and simulation of the eye movements of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep have all emerged as candidates. In conjunction with their therapists, EMDR clients also learn to replace negative thoughts (such as ?I?ll never get this job?) with more positive thoughts (such as ?I can get this job if I try hard enough?).

Few psychological treatments have been as widely heralded as EMDR. Some EMDR proponents have called it a ?miracle cure? and ?paradigm shift,? and ABC?s 20/20 proclaimed it an ?exciting breakthrough? in the treatment of anxiety. More than 60,000 clinicians have undergone formal training in EMDR, and the EMDR International Association (EMDRIA), a group of mental health professionals dedicated to promoting the technique, boasts more than 4,000 members. The organization estimates that this procedure has been administered to approximately two million clients. Moreover, in some American cities, psychotherapists proudly list their certifications in EMDR on their Yellow Pages advertisements. But does it work?

The answer is not entirely straightforward. As with all psychotherapies, one can look at the question of whether EMDR ?works? in several different ways. Here we will address three important variants of this question:

Does EMDR work better than doing nothing?
Yes. Numerous controlled studies show that EMDR produces more improvement than absence of treatment, at least for alleviating the symptoms of civilian PTSD, such as those triggered by rape. The evidence that pertains to EMDR?s efficacy for other anxiety disorders is promising but preliminary. EMDR?s effects are most marked on self-reported measures of anxiety; its impact on physiological measures linked to anxiety (such as heart rate) is less clear-cut.

Does EMDR work better than supportive listening?
Probably. Although the research evidence on this front is less extensive, most studies indicate that EMDR produces more improvement than control conditions in which therapists merely listen attentively to a client?s problems but do not attempt to intervene directly. (Studies generally show, however, that such supportive listening conditions produce positive effects in their own right.) So the therapeutic effects of EMDR probably cannot be attributed entirely to the beneficial consequences of interacting with a warm and empathetic therapist. Something more seems to be going on.

Does EMDR work better than standard behavior and cognitive-behavior therapies?
No. Most behavior and cognitive-behavior therapies for anxiety rely on a core principle of change: exposure. That is, these treatments work by exposing clients repeatedly to anxiety-provoking stimuli, either in their imagination (?imaginal exposure?) or in real life (?in vivo exposure?). When exposure to either type is sufficiently prolonged, clients? anxiety dissipates within and across sessions, generating improvement.

When scientists have compared EMDR with imaginal exposure, they have found few or no differences. Nor have they found that EMDR works any more rapidly than imaginal exposure. Most researchers have taken these findings to mean that EMDR?s results derive from the exposure, because this treatment requires clients to visualize traumatic imagery repeatedly. Last, researchers have found scant evidence that the eye movements of EMDR are contributing anything to its effectiveness. When investigators have compared EMDR with a ?fixed eye movement condition??one in which clients keep their eyes fixed straight ahead?they have found no differences between conditions. In light of those findings, the panoply of hypotheses invoked for EMDR?s eye movements appears to be ?explanations in search of a phenomenon.?

So, now to the bottom line: EMDR ameliorates symptoms of traumatic anxiety better than doing nothing and probably better than talking to a supportive listener. Yet not a shred of good evidence exists that EMDR is superior to exposure-based treatments that behavior and cognitive-behavior therapists have been administering routinely for decades. Paraphrasing British writer and critic Samuel Johnson, Harvard University psychologist Richard McNally nicely summed up the case for EMDR: ?What is effective in EMDR is not new, and what is new is not effective.?
i have noticed in myself that when i am in distress over something that sometimes my eyes will shift back and forth a lot - usually just before crying. maybe there is something to it. who knows :)
This is interesting. I've read that EMDR also can involve touch, like being touched on the knees or hands. Interesting article.


I have recently began therapy including EMDR and I have noticed a definite improvement and change in feelings following my sessions.

Its funny, because I actually asked my therapist as I was sitting there in the chair if this really worked or if it just worked based on the placebo effect, and she said it did in fact work. I asked because I felt nothing happening, but when I stood up I was incredibly dizzy and very pale (so she said) but when I thought about the incident I was focused on, I had little to no feeling with it. In another incident I totally forgot the thing I had been thinking about, and she later told me that you cant use EMDR in clients who have to testify in court because it does in some cases erase memories. I find it highly useful. :)


My therapist also told me that about not being able to do EMDR with people who have to testify in court. It is pretty interesting.

I have also been doing EMDR therapy and it does seem to help. The process is very difficult for me as I can't handle anyone getting too close to me and I can only handle the eye movements, can't tolerate being touched. He initially tried the tapping, but I would totally freak out so that wasn't really effective. He figured out that it would work with me following a wand with my eyes so that I could be further away. It is pathetic, huh? Anyway, after almost 1 1/2 years he can finally get within 3 feet of me, lol. What's interesting is that the only times that I have ever cried in therapy have been during EMDR. I am not sure why, but it somehow must help me make more connected to how I am feeling.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
While I am by nature a skeptic, I am sincerely happy to hear that EMDR is helping both of you. Ultimately, I guess, it doesn't have to work for everyone; if it works for you, that's what matters.


I am a bit of a skeptic too and am not sure if EMDR works because of the bilateral stimulation. I sort of think that the act of following the object with my eyes while I am trying to think about something just distracts me enough to let down my defenses a bit or something like that. I am not really sure, but it does seem to work.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
I am a bit of a skeptic too and am not sure if EMDR works because of the bilateral stimulation. I sort of think that the act of following the object with my eyes while I am trying to think about something just distracts me enough to let down my defenses a bit or something like that. I am not really sure, but it does seem to work.

Yes. That has been the evidence to date - a combination of suggestibility and distraction. All the rest is a nonessential means to an end.

But that's rather like hypnosis. Some people are helped; others aren't. Why is that? The answer is important theoretically and to enhance our understanding of what and why things work in therapy, but if you are trying to quit smoking or overcome public speaking anxiety or the like, do you really care why it works as long as it works?


I really hate the thought that I am just suggestible, but sadly it is probably true. You are right though, as long as it is working for me I don't need to know why. I think that the less I question the workings of it the more likely it is that it will keep working for me. Pretty pathetic, huh? :eek:


I have a hard time believing it is suggestive, because of the physical effects I experienced. No one "suggested" I would become light headed, or pale. Those are factors that indicate something, while we may not know what, happened.
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