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David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
What is it about eye wiggling that helps people recover from trauma?
BPS Research Digest
October 1, 2008

A controversial treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder involves the traumatised person holding a painful memory in mind while simultaneously following with their eyes the horizontal movements of their therapist's finger.

Known as Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing therapy (EMDR), the approach seems to be beneficial and is recommended by the U.K.'s health advisory body NICE. However, EMDR remains controversial largely because experts can't agree on why it works.

Now Raymond Gunter and Glen Bodner have tested three possible explanations. In all the experiments, students were asked to recall an occasion that made them feel anxious, fearful or distressed.

An initial experiment showed that, relative to staring straight ahead, eye-movements increased arousal levels. This seems to undermine the "investigatory-reflex" account for why EMDR works: the idea that eye movements activate an innate investigatory reflex that inhibits fear and provokes relaxation.

A second experiment showed that both horizontal and vertical eye movements reduced the vividness and emotionality of the students' memories. Given that vertical eye movements (unlike horizontal ones) don't enhance hemispheric communication, this finding appears to undermine the "increased hemispheric communication" account for why EMDR works. This is the idea that horizontal eye movements aid interhemispheric communication, thus allowing the more rational left hemisphere to process the right hemisphere's traumatic memories.

A final experiment showed that the students' memories became less vivid and emotional, not only when they performed concurrent horizontal eye movements, but also if they instead performed a simultaneous simple hearing task. This undermines the idea that EMDR works specifically by taxing the so-called "visuo-spatial sketch-pad" of working memory. It suggests instead that the mechanism underlying EMDR is a more general effect based on taxing the big boss of short-term memory - the central executive.

If it's true that taxing the central executive of working memory is key to EMDR's success - what's going on? "The experience of holding a traumatic memory in mind, made more palatable by the central executive's attentional resources being taxed, may ultimately work to foster acceptance of those memories," the researchers said.

In other words, performing a concurrent task, be it eye movements or some other distraction, while also recalling a painful memory, allows a person to be exposed to that memory, without having the mental resources available to get too upset by it. Over time, this process acts like a form of gentle exposure to the memory, as the person learns that they can, after all, cope with their past.

Source: R GUNTER, G BODNER (2008). How eye movements affect unpleasant memories: Support for a working-memory account. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 46 (8), 913-931


Lohr, Lillienfeld, Tolin and Herbert (1999) wrote a paper on the efficacy of EMDR - it determined that eye movements not necessary – they add nothing.

EMDR is no more efficacious than exposure therapy - which is the form of therapy used in the treatment. The eye movement is just added on top.

It is a type of pseudoscience, shows all the signs of it. Detractors of it are asked to prove it doesn't work...versus them trying to prove it does using peer reviewed journals. The language they use is completely obscurists...makes barely any's like someone looked up every word in a thesaurus to define it. They use only supporting hypotheses, will not even admit or acknowledge any other hypotheses. I could go on.

I just get really frustrated at people like Dr. Shapiro making a living off of something that really isn't doing people any good and they are paying BIG bucks to be trained in it and to be treated in this method. What is doing them good is the basic exposure therapy that it is built on. What a mess. It is what is called a pseudoscience.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
That seems to be the case. The eye movement or other physical stimulation serves as a distraction during exposure. For some clients, it seems to help (or maybe it's the suggestion that it is going to help). For others, it does nothing. And some patients find the procedure alarming or unsettling.


It really is rather interesting how the power of suggestion/expectation has on a client. It just really frustrates me that this woman is making tons of money off of innocent people. I find it an abuse of trust between practitioner and client.


True, you are right there. I have a tendency to speak quickly without thinking..hence my earlier statement haha.


Account Closed
I am a little torn with EMDR. My therapist has used with me over the past year. She uses small electro pads that are held in the hand. She started off with the resource instillation which has been invaluable to me. Granted the techniques I have been taught can be used without the electrodes or the butterfly hug. Its all about containment.

I have had two sessions that have worked on the trauma directly. The insights I have had were amazing but the after effects aren't worth anymore sessions like that.

The butterfly hug I still use. I see it as a signal to my brain to calm itself. It does help to stop adrenenlin rushes when used with a grounded technique.

My sister has also had a couple of EMDR sessions and apparently they have really worked well for her. Frankly, I don't know if it is the techniques I have been taught like safe place, grounding and others or the EMDR itself. All I know is that I am not living in the hell I use to. Here is to whatever works:)


I really think it is the techniques being taught. The underlying treatment is exposure with techniques to manage distress helps someone be able to cope.
Regards of what has worked for you, I'm glad something is.
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