I am a bit wary of the fact that I am using my real name in this forum but it's too late now. I guess it's OK because I don't have anything to hide. It is interesting to note the reaction of the three people I have told my diagnosis to: my mum, my brother Nick and my friend Lauren. All three were rather dismissive and none of them asked what my symptoms are. My friend Lauren just said 'I don't reckon you've got it ('it' being schizophrneia) without explaining why she thought that or what she thought schizophrennia meant. I'm not blaming her, just observing. My mum said she knows about schizphrenia because her aunty margaret has it. But i would say if you have come into contact with just one person with schizophrenia that donesn't make you an expert on the topic, because any two people with it can have very different symptoms and still be classified under the same heading. Aunty margarets symptoms are different to mine. She had very florid hallucinations and would talk to herself and to certain beings which were obviously the poroduct of her hallucinations. So i think nmmum was thinking i don't have it becuase i don't have the same symptoms as Aunty Margaret. Thirdly, my brother nick told his psychiatrist of my diagnosis and she said it was extremely unlikeley that i have schizophrenia. She made no query as to what my sumptoms are. But said there was no prodrmal stage, no family history, and my age of onset is too late. I disagree with all three points. The familty history being aunty margaret and possibly my grandfather, the prodromal stage being the post natal deptreeeion i had, and the age of onset 27, not being unusual. The reactions i have had so far want to make me try and hide it but i don't think that's a good idea either. I have four brothers and two sisters and two parents. so most of my family don't know of my diagnosis but i don't think there's anything gained from telling them . saldly for me though, they are unable to help if they don't know what's wrong.