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David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Angel, I have emailed Dennis McGill (member dmcgill) who is a therapist is BC, though not in your area, to ask him for suggestions. Sometimes it's a matter of knowing how to short-circuit the bureaucracy...


Hi Angel,
Sounds like you are having a tough go of things. I read your first post and all the follow up posts and think you have recieved very good advice.

Let me explain what you may have to do in order to get help.

1. Go the the hospital in your area and tell the intake nurse and the doctor on call that you are wanting to kill yourself. Be very spacific. Tell them of the times you have tried.

They will then have to take you and admit you under the "Mental Health Act".

Most people tell a doctor that they will be ok and the doctor has nothing he can do but let you go. Tell them clearly that you are NOT ok.
I am sure that you have a Provincial Mental Health Office in your area. They help you for free. You never did answer if you called any of those numbers that you were given in an earlier post. Call them. Even use 911 if you have to and the police can force the issue under the same Mental Health Act.

British Columbia is going through some big changes as far as Mental Health and the Provincial Government has just committed a bunch more money to address the issue. You do have rights and you do deserve the help. Do you have a close friend or family member who can advocate for you? If you want to PM me your conact info, I would be glad to make some calls to the offices in your area and advocate.

In the mean time, hang in there. I loved the story about the butterfly and there are so many stories like that. I know that you feel like the trapped catapillar in the cocoon right now but you will break free. I believe you need the assistance of a Medical Doctor to provide you with some real medical help. You can come out of this and be stronger. I am so glad you are reaching out and since this forum is here, it is great that you found it. Don't give up.
Demand what is rightfully yours and that is life and quality in your life.
If you want me to advocate for you pm me.

There is sun behind the clouds,
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