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it's inertia then, that's a tough one to go against too. you need to break that cycle, which is really hard at first, but very well worth it.

do you have a calendar you use? maybe you could buy some stickers and for each day that you take your medication put a sticker on the calendar. it may sound like it's for kids but it does work. with each sticker you add you get motivated to add another.

edit: just had another thought. usually when i missed a dose on purpose and i would feel worse (including increased suicidal thinking) i would then take my dose anyway. so maybe try to do that as well. the thoughts are a sign you need the medication.
...and maybe there could be a reward system involved? Like, when you've managed to get stickers on x days in a row with no missed days, you treat yourself to (fill in the blank)?


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Thank you ITL. :) I've actually set them prominently in my home so there right there staring at me all the time. And I've also doubled the dosage as of yesterday (doctor recommended). But I think you're bang on - I'm taking it as an indication that my dosage was too low at 20mg...So now, I'm crossing my fingers that I'll notice a difference, that I'll start to care. :)

And I may still try the sticker idea - put it in my daily agenda as a little treat to myself. :)


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...and maybe there could be a reward system involved? Like, when you've managed to get stickers on x days in a row with no missed days, you treat yourself to (fill in the blank)?

I'd just like to feel like me again - the happy version of me. That person used to enjoy a lot of activities - I think that would be my reward. :)
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