More threads by LadyBumble

I had a flying dream last night, but not your usual flying dream.
Bumble and I were in space, flying in circles around the Earth, and it was so peaceful and we were holding hands as we were checking the planet to make sure it was happy.


I want to fly.. never have dream of flying. But I can feel flying by listening to some musics, most of them are classics.


Flying dreams are the best :)
Specially ones where you flap your arms to gain height .....10-20 metres then glide over buildings....cooooool.....

That must have been such a serene dream ladybumble....some people are willing to pay ?14m for an experience in space such as yours :D
I'm glad you thought so, I certainly did.

I had another dream last night with Bumble in; we were climbing this huge mountain and everyone we knew was climbing it and I kept saying it was too hard and that I didn't want to but Bumble was helping me and kept saying "It's easy, just look" and telling me it would be worth it when I got to the top and saw the view.

I do love obvious symbolism in dreams.

I had another dream last night where someone had been in my wardrobe and stolen all my dresses, but that one's not quite as obvious to fathom out...


At a glance I would guess that the dresses are your past/years youve lost.
Its a good thing that you are are dreaming about it - means your mind is working through it :)
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