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David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
For Divorced Dads: 7 Useful Links and a Video
by Dr. Aletta
February 5, 2009

In my work I find that dads often feel like they don't get a lot of credit for their parenting skills. It's just too easy for wives to make the mistake of correcting them when they try to get involved in child care. Who wants to change a diaper if every time you try it's the wrong way?

When we had kids I was determined to let my husband be a hands-on father. He would take the baby to the changing table and I'd stick close like the Secret Service guarding the President. Poor guy. Then I realized I was creating a learned helplessness in him that wasn't fair at all. Who made me the expert at parenting? Sometimes I actually left the house so I wouldn't suffer from biting my tongue too much and he could change the diaper, feed the baby, carry him around any way he wished. The result is he is as bonded with our kids as I am.

Divorced or separated parents are particularly challenged. They worry a lot about being able to be the best mothers and fathers to their kids they can under the stress of co- and single parenting. Today I want to focus on resources for the Dads. A lot of these links were provided by my Twitter friend Garret Eastman. The video done by psychologist Dr. Robin Silverman, explains the research supported fact that fathers have a vital role in how their children, daughters in particular, develop their self-image and self-esteem.

YouTube - Dr Robyn Silverman Body Image Expert Dads & Daughters


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