More threads by David Baxter PhD

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Since the release of the new vBulletin version 4.x software (used by this forum), some forum members are experiencing one or both of the following problems:

  1. You log in successfully but a short while later you find you are logged out again.
  2. You have previously checked the box for "Remember Me" but when you return next time you are logged out again.
Here's how to fix those problems.

  1. If you are logged in currently, log out manually (click on "Log Out" at the top right hand corner of the forum.
  2. Using your browser, delete your cookies to get rid of any corrupted cookies. If you would prefer not to reset ALL of your cookies, here's how to get rid of just the Psychlinks ones:
    Then using this utility, find and delete all cookies for
  3. Now, log back into the forum, making sure to check "Remember Me".
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