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Resident Canuck

This wouldn't work in the Anti-Canadian post :teehee: Since we all love them :)

The above one made me laugh, cause we really don't know what the cat gets up to when we are not home.

I remember when I was first off work. One day I was sitting quiet on the couch on my laptop. My cat, Jewel, walks right past me not paying attention. She then jumps on the dinning room table (where she knows she is not to be) Sprawls right out sunning herself in the sunlight that came through the window.

I just said Jewel! and she had this shocked look on her face like, "You are not supose to be home?" :teehee:
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Re: Funny cat pics

:roll:..I can relate to having the 'dumb' on Mondays :) (and no amount of coffee helps :eek2: )


Resident Canuck
Re: Funny cat pics

My "dumb" doesn't have a specific day of the week :blush: It can hit anytime :teehee:


Re: Funny cat pics

This wouldn't work in the Anti-Canadian post :teehee: Since we all love them :)

The above one made me laugh, cause we really don't know what the cat gets up to when we are not home.

I remember when I was first off work. One day I was sitting quiet on the couch on my laptop. My cat, Jewel, walks right past me not paying attention. She then jumps on the dinning room table (where she knows she is not to be) Sprawls right out sunning herself in the sunlight that came through the window.

I just said Jewel! and she had this shocked look on her face like, "You are not supose to be home?" :teehee:

I really like that post. It kind of reminds me of some of the cats that I have either seen or owned.

Cats are funny creatures in that you can never really know as to what they are going to do next. One minute they want to be near you and the next minute they don't want anything to do with you.

They are very, very fickle to say the least and of their antics can be quite funny to watch.

Seeing the pic with the cat hiding kind of reminds me of a cat that I owned that just loved to attack my ankles when I least expected it. When she wasn't doing that, then she was under the covers when we were making the bed and attacking us through the blankets. It was funny to watch.

I like the pic with the cat on the ledge. That one is classic because it kind of let's you know who really runs the house. The cat is running the house and is just kind of letting you live there as a special consideration or at least until you screw up.
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