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Re: Funny cat pics

Yes STP. Yes, they do.

I love these cat pictures. I have a folder of at least 100 of them that I have snagged over the last few years.

My favorite ones are the "invisible objects" ones.

Daniel E.
Cat cafes in Japan

Pictures of a cat cafe in Japan:

Cat Cafes? Why Not?

Pictures of another cat cafe:

Cat Caf? in Shibuya Tokyo : Happy Neko

Some info:

So where do the cool kids hang out these days? At cat cafes!

One of them, funky, furry, “happiness lives here and purrs in your ear” places has just opened in Utsunomiya. Yeah, a cat caf?. With actual, live cats. Cats that stroll around while you sip your tea. Cats that sleep next to you while you enjoy your cake. Cats that make it very clear as to who owns the place. Really owns the place.

The customers are free to play with the cats, entertain them, enjoy their company and give them as much love and attention as they want, or demand (since we're talking about cats here, right?). And this peculiar arrangement seems to be working.

Mind you, Felis is not the cheapest caf? in town. Far from it, actually. But somehow, I don’t mind paying 850 yen [$9.18 USD] for a cup of coffee and a piece of cake if I know that my cash goes towards feeding 25 sweet furry babies, who otherwise would have been abandoned and homeless...

Cat Cafes? Why Not?


Re: Funny cat pics

Gosh it's pretty rough! I suppose the fox isn't complaining though :lol:

My favourite bit is at 1:21 when it launches off the couch. hah!
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