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The other day I felt strong, strong enough to buy myself a book on anorexia and read it without feeling the pull toward going back into the disorder. I felt that I would be able to use the information in the book to help myself in my recovery, to help me understand what it is all about.

I bought the book GAINING: The truth about life after eating disorders by Aimee Liu.

When I bought this book I had no idea what the impact was going to be. Although I have not reached the half point of the book I have to say WOW!! - I am truly impressed. It is an amazing book that has stories about many girls who have suffered with eating disorder and their way to recovery - how they made it through and how they are living now if they have truly recovered or simply changed the habit.

I recommend this book for whoever is in recovery because it helps you see the things you need to do to get better, the things you can try that may be helpful to you. It also gives everyone a true idea what the disorder is. The book is also full of statistical information that helps you understand what happened to those in the book but also understand better what went on with yourself as you can relate to some of the women in the book.


Re: very good book

That is great Ashley-Kate. It is hard to look at anything eating disorder related without the wheels starting to turn. From what I have read you have come a really long way and you should be very proud of yourself.:2thumbs:

Does this book have any relateable characters that are older? Like 30 and up?
Re: very good book

thanks, but as i was saying i still can't read books about eating disorders stories of people that had one because it really gets to me and awakens my will to restrict again to go back to that. This book does the opposite it is written by a woman that had an eating disorder younger. She wrote a book about her anorexia before "solitaire" but this is another book she wrote to try and understand the underline cause of her eating disorder and how to change her life now to make it better after the eating disorder.. it is really enlightenning


Re: very good book

Thanks. I guess I just misunderstood when I read this "The book is also full of statistical information that helps you understand what happened to those in the book but also understand better what went on with yourself as you can relate to some of the women in the book." Sorry about that.
Good luck in your recovery.:2thumbs:
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