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David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Good and bad tactics in job search
By David MacFadden, Alberni Valley Times
March 1, 2012

A wise old saying tells us "if you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always gotten." One fellow who recognizes the wisdom of this philosophy is Richard N. Bolles, author of What Colour Is Your Parachute?.

This seminal job-search guide has become something of a standard in the career-planning industry: its common-sense approach and humorous, accessible style stand in stark contrast to the dense, dry tone of many career development publications.

One of the key parts of What Colour Is Your Parachute? is the section entitled 3 Fundamental Truths of the Job Hunt. These are as follows:

  1. There are always job vacancies waiting to be filled.
  2. Whether you find these jobs depends on your search method.
  3. If your job search isn't working, you need to change your method.

I'm going to accept the first point as a given and focus on the other two. There's no question that some job-search approaches are more productive than others. Bolles devotes several pages to exploring the most and least effective angles, including estimates of the percentage of workers who find jobs using only that specific method. Here are the highlights:

Worst Bets: Using the Internet (1%); mailing out resumes at random (seven per cent); answering ads in trade journals (7%); answering local ads, using for-profit employment agencies or search firms (5-24%, depending on the salary sought). Note, however, that numbers don't tell the whole tale: the Internet statistic is closer to 10% in specific industries, such as high-tech, engineering, finance and health care.

Best Bets: Asking everyone you know for job leads (a.k.a. "networking" — 33%); visiting employers of interest to you, whether or not they have an advertised vacancy (47 per cent); researching employers in your fields of interest in the Yellow Pages, on your own (69%) or in a job-search support group (84%); and using the Creative Approach (86%).

This last item, the Creative Approach, is too involved to cover today (it comprises an entire chapter of Parachute), though I hope to return to it in a future column. For now, to buoy the spirits of those whose tactics appeared in the Worst Bets list, I want to return to the disclaimer I used earlier — that these discouraging results apply only when one method is used in isolation.

If you're looking to promote a product, you can't expect to be swamped with demand if the only place you advertise is on the radio. But if you also advertise via television, brochures, the Internet, sandwich boards, and buses, you can count on broader recognition.

And inasmuch as advertising — selling your skills and experience to employers — is the crux of any job search, your success depends on using a variety of approaches. We'll explore this topic more in upcoming columns.

David MacFadden works at the local Alberni Valley Employment Centre.


What happens if you need to survive and the offers for salaries are far below what you were making and you cannot work 3 FT jobs to survive...

I play softball in the summer to keep my sanity. I have been looking since the day I lost my job, except for when my grandmother passed away. (Even that week though, I interviewed.)

I no longer have any idea what I want to do when I grow up... I am at a total loss - my career interests still point to similar positions I have wanted (Systems/Business Analysts); but my skillsets in technology are becoming outdated... I do have text anxieties; thus difficult to get certifications..

I don't know what to do and being unemployed; I can't live on unemployment for the rest of my life and I can't seem to find positions to apply for and thus get interviews far and inbetween. Recruiters do not call because my skillsets are outdated. Just not sure where to go or what to do... Any online testing I can go to to help out? Thanks.


Hi Charlie,

Are you eligible for any kind of upgrading through unemployment? There are often options to help people return to the workforce with current skills.

While you may not get the full time job of your dreams right away, by getting back in to the workforce sooner rather than later you are continuing to develop skills and connections. Also, it allows you to assess the marketplace as an "insider".

Would a full time job not be more financially advantageous than being on unemployment? You may need one or two jobs for now but it likely won't be forever.

One tactic I have used in the past is to find a job that gives me a cost-saving benefit. For example, when my mom moved across the country I knew I'd never be able to afford to go visit her so I got a job t an airline. Initially it paid significantly less than my full time position but within a year I'd received two promotions and was making a good income, AND I could afford to see my mom! When I was younger I worked at the drug store because employees got everything at cost. I didn't make more but I saved lots. My mom loves to golf so she got a part time job at a golf course so she can golf for free.

There are lots of ways to make it work but I look into some upgrading if you want to return to your field so you can have that competitive edge.


visiting employers of interest to you, whether or not they have an advertised vacancy

This strategy is by far the most effective, but requires a well organized self confident approach.

It works best when you can call and speak to the head of the department in which you would like to be employed. In the telephone call you need to have a well rehearsed, clear concise sales presentation about yourself, to get the employers interest to want to see you in person.

If you can get in the door, you're half way there, because you would not have gotten the interview unless they thought they could replace an incumbent with you, if you meet their requirements.

Do you think this kind of approach might work for you, Charlie?


Another good option is to connect with temp agencies. These positions offer variety, flexibility, and huge networking potential.
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