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where do i even start......

so i have a 3 year old boy. he's 3 so i don't need to explain that he likes touching everything and exploring his world right ?? ha ha

so my mom his grandma is causing some problems and i don't know how to think or act anymore. My son loves her very very very much except anytime that he is at her house she yells at him not loud but he cant run in the house or do anything except sit there she will play with him occasionally when hes there, she even has a huge basket of toys for him but he is only allowed to play with 2-3 so it doesn't make a mess. she always has excuses for not looking after him or whatever else. i feel so sad for him

i cried today just watching his face, she came over today to drop off some makeup and she said sorry max(my son) i cant stay poppy needs my help( he doesn't she lied), he cried and watched her leave and said momma I'm said. i said why he says cuz gramma leaves. i don't know am i blowing this out? i struggle just to get her to watch him. as well as i ask her to come to my house so she doesn't have to worry about anything broken or a mess because i don't care about that but she says she doesn't want to and I'm not sure why. she is always in and out of his life and shes always so negative with him.

i try really hard to get her involved with him and are activities we do on weekends but she will have none of that. i don't know what to. i love my mom but she isn't hearing me i mean she never calls to talk to me about nice things its always about bad things and gossip and if its anything nice its only about how she traveling somewhere. if if i say oh mom I'm so sick her response is ya me to!!!

I'm sick about this all. i cry all the time i have tried talking to her but she makes excuses!!!! my son has no family anymore only me and his dad. seems like as soon as he was to big for a swing and was mobile no one wanted to watch him anymore? why? please help me!!! thank you to all!


There seem to be two issues.

If I understand correctly, your mother prefers to have your little boy play in a confined area of her house and not to carry his toys all over, is that correct?

The other issue, if I correctly understood, is that your when mother calls you she is either complaining or gossiping, or talks about her own activities, without showing interest in what you are doing.

Have I got it right?
Hard one your mother may be feeling overwhelmed with the care of a young one. At your sons age it does take alot of energy. Maybe if she could spend more time with him with you along so she does not feel she has to do all the watching or care. I feel for you because my kids grandparents would not take them either at that age but later on they had more connection with them. When they weren't so much care Try just spending more time with your mom and son together okay that way when she feels overwhelmed you can step in to help out.
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