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I will be a grandmother soon perhaps tonight as my daughter-in-law was induced and told to come back tomorrow 7 AM. I have so many mixed emotions and i am trying so hard to stay strong. My son is so gentle so kind i need to be there for him i do My daughter still is not well though i won't go there

I will be strong and supportive I will be happy i just need to know why i am so sad inside i don't know or understand where the pain comes from I will love my granddaughter she will called Isabella I love that name They will make great parents I'm sorry i am rambling I am tired that all I hope the child comes soon for her sake and her moms I will be strong I love my son so much i need to show him that more oh please i need to be strong somehow i will. Why is there so much sadness when i know i know i am to be so happy I am happy i really am i just can't get rid of the sadness i am not making sense but this is not the first time i have not Isabella will be here soon and all will be well I hope and pray all will be well


Well I will say Congratulations ahead of time. I am sure once you hold her you will fall in love. I have never been even a mother so I have no idea how it would feel to see one of your children become a parent. I can imagine that there would be all kinds of emotions. I hope you get to feeling a better about this, your going to be a Grandma so you can play with the cute baby but hand over the crying baby. Meaning that you only have to deal with the good stuff, not that you made the baby cry. :eek: Best wishes and a safe delivery to the mom and baby.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
We'll keep our fingerses[1] crossed for everything to go smoothly for mom, baby, dad, and Granny Violet!

[1] Sorry... I've been watching the Lord of the Rings Trilogy again... :eek:
now that is not nice granny violet lol. i know i will love her so much and i doubt i will even want to hand her over when she cries i will hold her closer. Everything will be fine and if i can figure out how to download pictures i will Another miracle she will be fine positve thoughts everyone will be fine just grandma jitters lol


I am so excited for you and your family Violet. Definitely sending you tons of positive thoughts right now. Isabella is a lovely name. You will be wonderful grandmother, she is lucky that she will have you in her life. Do they live close, will you get to spend lots of time spoiling her?
They live only 20 minutes away I hope i will get time to spoil her You know new moms find it hard to give up their little ones so easily. I will offer my support whenever they need me but i think they will do just fine. I went out and bought her another gift tonight tomorrow i will buy something for mom and dad too they need to be spoiled as well lol Well i need to look after me now get some sleep take my meds and think only positve thoughts all will be well


Hi Violet, being a grandmother wow. I have adult children but no grandchildren yet. So congratulations. I suppose connecting with how we felt we were young, nervous and could we do it may have something to do with the emotional turmoil you are feeling. Loving our kids and knowing all the trials and tribulations that they have been through and then worrying about what is going to happen next. Mixed feelings. Just one day at a time. One precious moment, one smile, one joy. Congratulations.
I just noticed the granny MVP LOL i broke up at that one thanks alot not a granny yet but by this afternoon the doctors say Hopefully soon my son i call him because he is zoned out right now but that is understandable. I have to wait until nurse shows up for daughter but then will go to hospital to visit them take them a coffee i like nannie better granny reminds me of the old granny on tweety bird cartoons lol this granny to be is going back to bed for awhile

---------- Post added at 03:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:56 AM ----------

the waiting is killing me I could not go to hospital my duaghter not well. My son called at lunch said she was half way there but being the first child it may take awhile 33o now waiting till my h usband get here after work around 4oo then i will go to hospital I so wanted to be there for my son i explained why he u nderstands. It must be an awful long day for him and his wife i am anxious agitated want to get going any other friday my husband would be off at 3 but no today he has some kind of conferance to go to dam it. I wish he get here i want to go to hospital so badly but i guess i can't do anything there either i will make it up to my son somehow but i know he understand it is just i wanted so badly to support him and again i have to choose the one who needs me more it is okay soon i will go to hospital another hour to go that all i hope all goes well it is a long time for her to be in labor.


I am sure your son is going to be so overwhelmed and everything will seem so surreal he probably will be just as happy to have you there after the fact. Maybe you will get there before she delivers too. Either way it's going to be a great day for you Violet. Congrats again.
Finally got to go to hospital things are not going well. Baby not cooperating at all. Mom been labor now almost 24 hrs he vitals are high. Why can;t things just go smoothly for once . Mom just had epidural for pain I just wish they do something dam it i don't want mom stroking Nurse asked us to leave as mom needed to rest i agreed totally but doctor where is the doctor. Told my son to call me with any news i will be up all night waiting baby is just like her father was not wanting to leave the comfort and warmth I hope doctor get there soon god i wish i didn't see her vitals they are too high I will let you know when baby arrives please god please just this once please let everything be alright please. I know first borns are difficult but mom s health Buffy is right all the professionals are there to help her if something goes wrong i hope they do something sooner than later
I hope nature starts getting its rear in gear i am more nervous then my son for god sake. Lol he has always had a calm demeanor. yeh this granny has no patience what so ever this granny wants the baby out now. let nature take its course lol i should have known this baby would not come out without a fight her ma is the same way hopefully doc get there soon and helps nature along a bit. i took a bath waiting now is the killer waiting for news that everyone is okay. this granny is getting older by the minute here to bad i didn't have a shot of something stronger but then that wouldn't look good going into hospital a little tipsy
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