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David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Meh. You're not on duty. Besides, newborn babies expect people to look a little tipsy after sloshing about in amniotic fluid for 9 months. :D


Meh. You're not on duty. Besides, newborn babies expect people to look a little tipsy after sloshing about in amniotic fluid for 9 months. :D

You mean the people have been sloshing about in amniotic fluid for nine months? I always thought that it was the babies that do that. What am I doing wrong and what am I missing? I want to slosh!!! :panic:
Thats funny your right not on duty yet will be tomorrow evening wish i had something to calm me down a bit im okay baby will come when it comes right they are trying to rush it she was not due until 27th but complications they thought it would be better to induce come on baby your grandma wants to hold ya If she only knew how well she is going to haveit out here i think she would come out sooner. Her mom and dad are going to spoil her rotten and grandma of course.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Then again, when she finds out about snowsuits, mittens, car seats, potty training, and 20 years of the school system, she'll want to get back in.
Well i agree with the 20 years of school system ahahah that scares me still to this day. Who knows she may be a snow baby probably love it may even get her old granny out there building her a snowman lol kids make every thing more fun pottie training well i have some tricks to make that one more easier too.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
It's not the snow - it's the winter clothing. Have you forgotten how much little kids hate getting all that gear on in the winter? It's like trying to wqrestle a trout into a sock.
oh yes that is funny they hate clothing don't they they like being nuders they do I forgot thanks for the reminder oh the fun days ahead right
308 am dad just called oh baby is here 8lb 11onces dr finally decided to do c section and guess baby wanted nothing to do with that mom water broke and baby came want to go tohospital but i think it is best to let mom and dad have this time with daughter thank god it is over now i can breath I hope mom is okay goodnight or should i say goodmorning grandma is so relieved god i want to cry but no this time things went right.


That's great Granny! Congratulations! :2thumbs:

---------- Post added at 02:31 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:01 AM ----------

Grandmas are for stories
about things of long ago.
Grandmas are for caring
about all this things you know.
Grandmas are for rocking you
and singing you to sleep.
Grandmas are for giving you
nice memories to keep.
Grandmas are for knowing
all the things you're dreaming of...
But, the most important thing of all,
Grandmas are for love.
just spent 2.5hours with my grandaughter benefits of working in hospital my grandchild was born in.
She is beautiful 8lb 6ounces just beautiful Dad very tired Ma exhausted she had me worried for awhile there but son said they gave her meds to bring down her BP
Doctor wants her to stay a few days to make sure she is well I told her to stay she needs to stay after 36 hours of labour whoa
You were right once i held her in my arms oh all the others stuff didn't seem to matter
I could have stayed there all day holding her but ma needed her sleep and i hope dad goes home shortly too
i am off to bed now 613am as i have to work today at 3 so better get a bit of sleep right
thanks for helping me get thru the rough spots there but everything is going to be alright now take care.

---------- Post added at 06:14 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:12 AM ----------

Thanks stp that is a beautiful poem

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
If you leave early, you could stop on the way and say "gramma... gramma... gramma... gramma... " a few times in her ear... if you play your cards right, by the day after tomorrow she'll be ignoring mom and dad and saying "gramma" all day. :D
I intend to go to work early lol and visit again and on my supper hour as well lol grandma grandma grandma it is just kicking in god i am a grandma


Violet,, congratulations. Wow 36 hours in labour. That is why it is called that but boy. and 8lb 6 oz. big baby, imagine if went full term would have been 9lbs. ouch!!!

So what name are you going with , i thought nanny?? lol or gammy?? what does the other nanny what to be called.
have a great day and enjoy the time spent. It is so fleeting.


Congratulations Violet, sweet picture, love all the posts about the baby. Ha, my grandmother weighed 15lbs at birth, ouch and ouch again. Enjoy being a grandma, the time passes so quickly so enjoy. Me, a greatgranny, he is a year old already, wow, that makes me feel so ancient. Wonder if they will find my footprints next to the dinosaur bones I feel that old.
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