I'm Sonnenblume, a girl. I live in Russia and i'm 21.
I'm a bit entangled in my life and my thoughts, i used to be guite an aesthete, and made my world smaller and smaller, by ignoring things which didn't belong to my values, and now i feel that i've arrived at a point, wrere there is no more place to live and develop oneself. So, i believe i've reached a deadlock, and now i want to start building a new vision, to get nearer to people and to things around me. I have to understand, how to do this, so i hope to get some ideas and inspiration here, in this forum.
Thank you.
I'm Sonnenblume, a girl. I live in Russia and i'm 21.
I'm a bit entangled in my life and my thoughts, i used to be guite an aesthete, and made my world smaller and smaller, by ignoring things which didn't belong to my values, and now i feel that i've arrived at a point, wrere there is no more place to live and develop oneself. So, i believe i've reached a deadlock, and now i want to start building a new vision, to get nearer to people and to things around me. I have to understand, how to do this, so i hope to get some ideas and inspiration here, in this forum.
Thank you.