More threads by NicNak


Resident Canuck
Have Fun In The Therapists Office With These Tips

1 After everything he says, say, "And how does that make you feel?"

2 Repeatedly tell him to look at the ceiling. When he finally does, repeatedly tell him to look at the chair. When he finally does, repeatedly tell him to look at the desk, etc...

3 Refuse to cooperate unless he trades his pants.

4 Point at random things and say, "Where did you get that?"

5 Try to talk him into sitting on the floor.

6 Tell him you think his secretary is really a man.

7 Take random objects in his office and glue them to the floor.

8 Bring pots and pans and bang them together when he asks a question you don't like.

9 Complain that his chair looks more comfortable.

10 Sit underneath your chair.


lol Although these would be rather fun I think they would land me an abrupt vacation...

But while we are planning our trip you could also, say "I LOVE this song!" and insist they dance with you-preferably to a waltz or a good head banging guitar solo.

I think these ideas could be endless. :teehee:
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