More threads by David Baxter PhD

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
I started with one laptop this weekend. It was one of the easiest upgrades ever.

The next day I upgraded my desktop and Mary Lou's laptop. Again, both went smoothly.

Are you going to get the free Windows 10 upgrade? Have you decided when you are going to install it yet?


I've read about glitches some people experienced (Windows Secrets & CNET) so I thought I would wait a while.

My concern is about components I use to synchronize data among several systems and how Win10 might affect them.

I would like to see a Win10 actual interface before risking my stable Win 8.1 system, that I operate with Classic Shell that allows me to avoid the tablet interface entirely.

My Win 8.1 system looks and feels like the classic Win 7 desktop interface and I don't want to lose that. I believe Classic Shell has an upgraded version for Win 10 for people like me..;)

Did everything work as expected with your upgrade to Win 10? Any surprises? Did you make an Image Backup before upgrading, just in case?

Daniel E.
I love it, and so does my 70+ year old neighbor. She finds it to be similar enough to Windows 7. And Windows 10 is definitely faster on her computer.
thinking about getting a laptop not a computer thinking about it and will make sure everyting is updated and secure as this one is very very old computer i have

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
My Win 8.1 system looks and feels like the classic Win 7 desktop interface and I don't want to lose that. I believe Classic Shell has an upgraded version for Win 10 for people like me..;)

They do. It's a Release Candidate but it works. There is also the StarDock version.

Did everything work as expected with your upgrade to Win 10? Any surprises? Did you make an Image Backup before upgrading, just in case?

No image backup because you are given the option of rolling back to your previous version of Windows if you wish... the installation saves the old version on your hard drive.

The only issue I encountered was on my laptop which has a password. Windows 10 encouraged me to use a Microsoft Log-in with a pin number - I did this on that first upgrade but said no on the others.

When I started Outlook, it told me it couldn't access my mailbox... PST file... that was because I was, in Windows 10's opinion, a different user. The fix was to make the files on my Windows drive accessible to all users.


I love it, and so does my 70+ year old neighbor.

You youngsters are soo good with computers!

David Baxter said:
in a lot of respects it seems closer to Windows 7 than did Windows 8.

Does the default interface look like a Win7 desktop interface? What have they done with those "apps" and "charms"?

Any problems running desktop versions of programs that have an App version....Skype or Browser for example?

Can you post or send my privately a screenshot of the default interface so I can see what you're dealing with?

Have you installed Classic Shell or any other Start utility or are you running it as is?

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
It's not exactly like Windows 7, no, and it still has apps that so far I just find mysterious, possibly because I haven't added them or configured them.

I tried Classic Shell for Windows 10. It's okay but I went with Start10 by Stardock ($4.99) which has more features and for which the end result is almost identical to Windows 7. :)


Are there two interfaces, like Win8, desktop and the pesky Start Screen, or is it all integrated to a hybrid desktop?

On my Win8.1 system, I found that the installed apps were all updating themselves in real time all the time, so I disabled and uninstalled them all...never use strictly a desktop operator!

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
I'm still happy. With Start10 I can customize the start menu as I wish. There are still apps which aren't finished and they are still pushing out updates so it wouldn't hurt to wait a while if you don't like tinkering. It does seem faster to boot and faster running the programs I use a lot.

But ultimately there are some things that are not completely finished...

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


In Win 8.1 I only use the desktop interface, with desktop programs. Have completely ignored the "tablet" interface and have either disabled or removed the apps.

My systems boot up to the desktop interface and everything I have is geared to desktop use.

Is the Win 10 interface desktop friendly?

I don't mind tinkering, I just don't want to discover that the programs that are important to me suddenly stop working.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
I had to upgrade a couple of utilities but I think most coders have been aware that Windows 10 was coming for long enough that they are ready.

I also had one utility that doesn't seem to be available any more. It wasn't working so I used the compatibility wizard to find the best settings. That worked perfectly and I now have my utility back running as usual. :)


Account Closed
I still have Windows 8 on one laptop, and I think we have Windows XP somewhere as well. I do not know how to upgrade Windows.
Ubuntu upgrades are automatic, and I have to do pretty much nothing to maintain the computer.
Asked husband and he does not want to bother with Windows anything anymore, because we had so many issues with Windows in the first place.
Seems, once you get Windows any version, it crushes and it makes you buy a faster computer every year or half an year. I am not playing their game anymore, I am tired of MS products. I am not gonna spend a lot of time of my life to learn how to maintain Windows, that is just terrible. It is not a user friendly OS for people with limited PC knowledge, like me.
I do not know if Mac is better that way. After crushing/slowing a few Win laptops, I was afraid to give 2000K for a Mac.
Sorry if my comment is biased.


Account Closed
I wish I read more than one chapter of all the computer books, that were meant for me. In my most motivated state, I felt asleep on the third chapter of a Java book :lol:
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