i am just sick of this little pathetic life to think of it i spent all my adolescent deeling with anorexia , bulimia , depression, SI , and i just can't take people saying just wait hold on a bit longuer thigs will sort out life will get better how do they know that why do they say that when i feel that it i sso not true.. i am at a poitn that i just can't stand living . life sucks everymoment of every day i wounde what the hell i am doing on the face of this earthi am sick of living i am sick of feeling so numb!!! i look to death not with fear but with freedom , solution , finally at last .. but yet i feel i just can'T dye .. but i don't want to live anymore!!! i feel i am soo not there.. people walk talk continue living beside me and i feel like i am just not there so why hang on to something that just doens't exist anymore... really can anybody answer that for me..
yours trully ashley
yours trully ashley