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I feel so guilty and I know that I am being terribly selfish, but I am really struggling with Mother's Day this year.

During my early years, my mom wasn't really all that stable. She told me that she suffered from severe postpartum depression after I was born and took off with a girlfriend for 6 weeks right after I was born. I assume that my dad or grandparents took care of me she never really said. She has told me about some of the things she had done when I was very young, such as taking a Brillo pad to my face to get rid of my freckles among other things. I don't remember this stuff, but all of my early memories are of being terrified. So, who knows? I suppose it doesn't matter. I do know that she didn't keep me safe from certain things, although I can't really blame her. Anyway after my parents divorced I lived with her for a while until she decided to dump me on my dad when I started kindergarten and I didn't see her again for years. Once I was in junior high I would spend summers with her. Things were sort of okay then as long as I didn't interfere with her dating and working. We were more like girlfriends than mother and daughter. She was always very manipulative and quite unpredictable and she started drinking again during this time. Shortly before my dad died, I had to go live with her and her new fiance (my now step-father). Things were very turbulent, they were both very heavy drinkers and she was getting more unstable. Add to that the fact that they obviously wanted to start their own life, not be saddled with a 16 moody year old. Anyway, it was not really pleasant living with them and as soon as I was able I moved out. It wasn't until my mid twenties that my mom and I began to have a really nice relationship. I truly do love my mother very much and am so glad that we have gotten to a place where we have a relationship that is close.

The problem is that when I was visiting my parents last week I was so sad watching how loving and nurturing my mom is with her children now (she has adopted 2 children and has 4 foster children). I feel like such a terrible human being for admitting this, but it just hurt me to hear the kindness and love in her voice when she would talk to them and to see how she would take care of them. Please don't get me wrong, I am so happy that her children are truly loved and that she has another chance to be a better mom. It just hurts that she couldn't have been like that for me. I know that she is a different person now and I am happy for her. Yet, there is a part of me that just feels so sad and even a bit resentful if I am being completely honest. I hate myself for feeling this way, I don't want to be this b****y selfish person. I just feel so sad right now. There is a part of me that feels like the problem was me- that I was just unlovable.

Trying to find a Mother's Day card this year was such a challenge for me. None of them seemed to apply. They all spoke of how mom was always there, always nurturing and loving and that wasn't the mom I had. I did finally choose a card, a more humorous one, but then I felt guilty for not being a better daughter and just getting one of those lovely sentimental cards as it would make probably make her feel good. Instead I got the card that I felt comfortable with, I am so f-ing selfish.

My infertility issues certainly aren't helping right now either and the hormones that they have me on are making me so much more emotional. I hate being like this!

I am sorry for writing all of this garbage. Once I get started ranting I tend to just keep spewing all of this crap, sorry:eek:. I have just been so miserable lately and I am so so tired of feeling like this. I am hoping that writing this out and admitting to how I feel about this will be sort of cathartic.
Re: having a hard time with Mother's Day

You are so hard on yourself. You have every right to feel sad about this. You are not a bad person because of your feelings. And you're not selfish. These types of days can be hard for various reasons for different people. I wish you could have had a better relationship with your mom when you were younger. It's good that things are better now.

I think it's good to talk about this stuff. There's nothing wrong with your feelings and thoughts though. They sound totally normal to me. You're not a horrible person. :)
of course you want what they have now a caring mother a mother who could nuture you. I am glad your mother has changed and you and her are able to support each other now. as with the card perhaps get something that states your feeling today as a grown up daughter. Never feel bad about how you are feeling Murray and i hope soon you will get the news you want that you are pregnant The hormones do play havec on ones emotions but in the back of your head just know it will be worth it in the end Take care okay and keep posting whatever you need to to help get the pain and thoughts out


Thanks so much for the support guys. I guess I was just sort of caught off guard by the feelings that hit me while I was visiting my parents. I thought that I was over all this stuff, and the intense sadness I felt just came as a surprise to me. It is probably a combination of things that caused it to bother me now. The kids are wonderful and I really bonded with them when I was there so I am truly happy that they have my mom, as she is now, as their mom. That's why I feel so awful for being jealous. They deserve to have a happy childhood with loving parents. I am also genuinely happy for my mom that she can get another chance at motherhood. I just feel this horrible sadness- almost like there is this huge gaping hole in my chest. It is terrible. Then, sadly, my husband just informed me the night I came home from visiting my parents that he is not open to the option of adoption if I am unable to conceive. His feelings on this came as sort of a shock to me and I guess that has me sort of upset too. I guess the really disgusting pathetic part of me is feeling badly because not only did I not have my mom growing up, but I also may not ever get to be a mom myself. So seeing her with her new family just stung I guess.

BTW Thanks for posting those links Dr Baxter, they were good reads.


So seeing her with her new family just stung I guess.

Yet, you wish her the best, and are happy for her good fortune. My hat is off to you for not letting bitterness cloud your mind. You have taken the high road, where many would opt for the other. Happy Mothers Day, to someone deserving of it.


Thanks Yuray, that was really nice of you to say.

My mom and I had the nicest conversation a little while ago. I had already wished her Happy Mother's Day several times and we had chatted a bit. She had made some sort of glib remark about me being her favorite daughter (I am her only daughter). It was funny, I guess, but hurt a bit. Anyway, about an hour later she called me out of the blue to tell me how much she loves me. She told me that she wanted me to know that she still remembered the time and day of the week that I was born, the doctors name, etc and that she is really glad that she had me. She then said that even though we haven't always had the best relationship, that she loves me very much and she wanted me to know that. It was really nice of her to call me to tell me this. Of course, now I feel even more guilty for my mixed feelings.
her words now do not erase the pain you felt as a child. All you can do now is accept and know she cares now for you and is probably realising in her mind how she missed out caring for you as she would have wanted to. I am glad you two have a good relationship now but never feel guilty about your feeling they are there for a reason take care of you okay
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